Fall Book Forecast 1969

To give our readers some idea of the books that publishers plan to issue in the next few months, we again present our fall book forecast. Since only the titles are supplied by the publishers we have no way of evaluating the quality or scope of these books until they appear. Readers can select for themselves volumes they especially want to look for. An asterisk indicates titles that the publishers considered especially significant. A (p) following the author’s name indicates either that the title is appearing in paperback or that a worthwhile title that has been in hardback is now to appear in paperback. Out-of-print books that are being reissued may also be listed. Readers should remember that publication of a book can be delayed long beyond the publisher’s expectation.


ABINGDON: The Structure of Awareness by T. Oden. BAKER: A Lawyer Examines the Bible by E. Linton, Evolution and Christian Faith by B. Davidheiser, Symposium on Creation, Volume II by D. Patten et al., and The Bible and Spiritual Criticism by A. Pierson. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: * Philosophy of Religion by W. Davis (p). CONCORDIA: * If God Is God by R. Koenig (p). CORPUS: Blondel and Christianity by H. Bouillard. FORTRESS: Intellectual Honesty and Religious Commitment edited by A. Bellinzoni and T. Litzenburg and Miracles in Dispute by E. and M. Keller. HAROLD SHAW: * The Drug Users by A. E. Wilder Smith. HARPER & Row: The Silence of God by A. Gibson, Meet Me at the Door by E. Gordon, and * Space: A New Direction for Mankind by E. Lindaman. HERDER AND HERDER: Hope and History by J. Pieper, Survival of Religion by G. Tavard, and The New Voice by A. Wilder. INTER-VARSITY: The Scientific Enterprise and Christian Faith by M. Jeeves. NORTON: Love and Will by R. May. PRENTICE-HALL: An Introduction to Religious Counseling: A Christian Humanistic Approach by R. Vaughan. S.J. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume 1, edited by J. McDermott. WESTMINSTER: Freedom and the Moral Life by J. Roth. YALE: Reflection and Doubt in the Thought of Paul Tillich by R. Scharlemann and More’s Utopia, Ideal and Illusion by R. Johnson. ZONDERVAN: God, the Atom and the Universe by J. Reid (p) and Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible by R. Harris (p).


BAKER: Jerusalem: A Study in Urban Geography by Hopkins and Tells, Tombs, and Treasure by R. Boyd. PRINCETON: The Ancient Near East: Supplementary Texts and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament edited by J. Pritchard and The Archaeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church by J. Finegan. WORLD: Biblical Archaeology and History by P. Lapp.


BAKER: Exposition on the Gospel of Mark by H. Hobbs, Conquest and Crisis: Studies in Joshua, Judges, and Ruth by J. Davis, Exposition of Psalms by H. Leupold, and Peloubet’s Select Notes for 1970 edited by W. M. Smith. BETHANY: Names and Titles of Christ by F. Dirk. CORPUS: Dictionary of Western Christianity edited by T. O’Brien. EERDMANS: The Book of Isaiah, Volume II by E. Young, The Revelation of John by L. Morris, and The Gospel of John by L. Morris. INTER-VARSITY: The Man from Outside by G. Bridger. MOODY: Ezra and Nehemiah by G. Luck, Joshua by I. Jensen, Zechariah by G. Luck, Luke by G. Luck, and The Prophecy of Ezekial by C. Feinberg. NELSON: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture edited by R. Fuller. SEABURY: The Synoptic Gospels: A Commentary by D. Campbell. WESTMINSTER: Amos, A Commentary and Hosea, A Commentary by J. Mays.* WORLD: Word Book of Religious Terms edited by C. McCartt and Concise Bible Dictionary and Concise Bible Concordance compiled by J. and M. Smith. ZONDERVAN: The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas edited by E. Blaiklock, The Zondervan Topical Bible by E. Viening, Rozell’s Complete Lessons 1970 by B. Ramsey, and The New Compact Bible Dictionary edited by T. Bryant (p).


ABINGDON: The International Lesson Annual, 1970 edited by H. Weaver. AUGSBURG: Our Controversial Bible by C. Westermann. BAKER: General Introduction to the Holy Scriptures by C. Briggs. BEACON HILL: General Introduction to the Holy Scriptures by C. Briggs. DAVID C. COOK: What’s So Great About the Bible by J. Hefley (p). INTER-VARSITY: The Book that Speaks for Itself by R. Horn (p). JOHN KNOX: Him Again! by C. van Peursen (p). MOODY: Enjoy Your Bible by I. Jensen. OXFORD: Thessalonians by D. Whiteley. WESTMINSTER: Bible and Gospel by A. Hunter, and An Introduction to the New Hermeneutic by P. Achtemeier. ZONDERVAN: All the Trades and Occupations of the Bible by H. Lockyer and Effective Bible Study by H. Vos.


BAKER: The United Kingdom by C. Pfeiffer. CONCORDIA: Luther’s Works, Volume 16: Lectures on Genesis translated by P. Pahl. EERDMANS: The Message of the Old Testament by H. Ellison (p), Obadiah: A Critical Exegetical Commentary by J. Watts, and The Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll: A Literary Analysis by J. Rosenbloom. HARPER & ROW: The Old Testament and Theology by G. Wright. INTER-VARSITY: Ezekiel by J. Taylor. JOHN KNOX: The Rebellions of Israel by A. Tunyogi. JUDSON: God’s Chosen People by R. Clements. MACMILLAN: The Relevance of the Prophets (revised edition) by R. Scott. SHEED AND WARD: Genesis Regained by F. Sheed. SWEET: Studies in Proverbs by H. Wilson. VANDERBILT: A Rigid Scrutiny: Critical Essays on the Old Testament by I. Engnell. WESTMINSTER: God’s History by R. Rendtorff. WORLD: Chronicles: News of the Past edited by I. Eldad and M. Aumann.


ABINGDON: The Office of Apostle in the Early Church by W. Schmithals. BAKER: Paul and His Epistles by D. Hayes, Pauline and Other Studies in Early Christian History by W. Ramsay, The Olivet Discourse by A. Gaebelein, Profile of the Son of Man by R. Turnbull, and The Apostolic Epistles by J. MacKnight. FORTRESS: What Is Form Criticism? by E. McKnight (p), What Is Redaction Criticism? by N. Perrin (p), New Testament Questions of Today by E. Kasemann, and Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus by J. Jeremias. HERDER AND HERDER: The Open Heaven by W. Cadman. JOHN KNOX: The Parables of Jesus in Matthew 13 by J. Kingsbury. MACMILLAN: Questions About Jesus by J. Michl. MOODY: Studies in Acts by I. Jensen (p), Exploration of Faith by R. White, Faith That Lives by F. Gaebelein (p), and Jesus Christ Our Lord by J. Walvoord. SCRIBNERS: Saint Paul: A Study of the Development of His Thought by C. Buck and G. Taylor. SWEET: The Letter of Paul to the Galatians by R. Johnson and The Letters of Peter and Jude by J. Thompson. VANDERBILT: * Translating for King James: Notes Made by a Translator of King James’s Bible edited by W. Allen. WESTMINSTER: The Quiet Revolution by J. Smart, Jesus for a No-God World by N. Hamilton, and The Epistle to Rheginos by M. Peel. WORLD: The Titles of Jesus in Christology by F. Hahn. ZONDERVAN: James by C. Vaughan, Plain Talk on James by M. Gutzke, Romans by F. Godet, John by F. Godet, and The ABC’s of Revelation by J. Van Gorder.


AUGSBURG: Melanchthon: Reformer Without Honor by M. Rogness. BAKER: When Death Takes a Father by G. Kooiman (p). CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: Once Caught, No Escape by N. Grubb. DIAL: Constantine by R. MacMullen. EERDMANS: John Bunyan by R. Greaves. FORTRESS: Dag Hammarskjöld’s White Book by G. Aulen. INTER-VARSITY: Listen to Me! by G. Hunt. JOHN KNOX: Hallelujah Chariot by E. Hathaway. MACMILLAN: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memo for a Movie by T. Gill. MOODY: Hostage in Djakarta by H. Lovestrand (p), Taller for God by D. Hillis (p), and This Mountain is Mine by M. Epp. NELSON: Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Volume XIX edited by C. Dessain. REVELL: It Was Good Enough for Father by R. Harris and For Christ and Country by L. Mims. SWEET: For Freedom: Biography of J. N. Armstrong by L. Sears and The Man of Action: The Story of Jimmie Lovell by B. Youngs. WORLD: The Inner Ecstasy: The Power and the Glory of Speaking in Tongues by M. Bach. ZONDERVAN: The Unique World of Women in Bible Times and Now by E. Price, Always a Winner by D. Schinnick, and It’s Always Too Soon to Quit: The Steve Spurrier Story as Told to Mel Larson (p).


ABINGDON: * Christmas: A Pictorial Pilgrimage by P. Benoit, E. Hagolani, and K. Leube, Strangers and Exiles by F. Norwood, and John Wesley and the Church of England by F. Baker. AUGSBURG: Lutherans in the U.S.A. by W. Thorkelson (p). CORNELL: Studies in Philippine Church History edited by G. Anderson. CORPUS: Christ in Eastern Christian Thought by J. Meyendorff and Pastors or Princes: A New Look at the Papacy and Hierarchy by R. Markus and E. John. FORTRESS: Episcopacy in the Lutheran Church? edited by I. Asheim and V. Gold, Mission and Unity in Lutheranism by J. Scherer, Three Books About the Church by W. Loehe (p), Letters of C. F. W. Walther: A Selection translated by Meyer (p), Christian Interpretations of the Civil War by W. Clebsch (p), and Darwinism Comes to America by B. Loewenberg (p). FREE CHURCH PUBLICATIONS: * Toward New Horizons by R. Thompson. HARPER & ROW: The Modern Schism by M. Marty. HERALD: Preachers Present Arms by R. Abrams and Timothy by M. Clarke. MOODY: The Church: From Pentecost to the Present by C. Meyer. PRINCETON: Pulpit in Parliament: Puritanism during the English Civil Wars, 1640–1648 by J. Wilson, The Halfway Covenant: Church Membership in Puritan New England by R. Pope, and Tradition and Authority in the Western Church 300–1140 by K. Morrison. SCRIBNERS: Religion in Ancient History by S. Brandon. SWEET: The Hazard of the Die: Tolbert Fanning and the Restoration Movement by J. Wilburn. UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO: The Future of Empirical Theology, Volume VII (“Essays in Divinity”) by B. Meland. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN: A History of the Crusades, Volumes I and II, edited by K. Setton, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader by J. Beundage, and Calvinism and the Amyraut Heresy by B. Armstrong. WESTMINSTER: Luther and Erasmus translated by E. Rupp and P. Watson. WORLD: The Crucible of Christianity edited by A. Toynbee. YALE: Responsio Ad Lutherum by Saint Thomas More, edited by J. Headley. ZONDERVAN: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age by K. Latourette (five volumes) (p).


ABINGDON: Devotions for Personal and Group Renewal by W. Fridy, A More Excellent Way by C. Pennington, God Is No Fool by L. Cheney, To Touch the Sky by J. Goldman, Grace Abounding by G. Harkness, Strength for Service edited by L. Fitzgerald, and Advent, A Calendar of Devotions by D. Nyberg (p). BAKER: Favorite Devotional Programs by E. Andrews (p), Please Give a Devotion for Juniors by A. Bolding, Devotionals for Today’s Women by E. Anderson, and Living Stones: Guidelines for New Christians by G. Sweeting. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: The Cross Through the Scriptures and What Think Ye of Jesus, both by E. Hegol. CHRISTOPHER: Love to Death by M. Rivest. CONCORDIA: New Joy for Daily Living by E. Malte (p), God Is Here, Let’s Celebrate! by L. Brandt (p), and Lord, Be With by Brokering (p). DIAL: Walk in the Spirit by R. Barber. EERDMANS: Best Wishes by H. Kohn. FORTRESS: Beckonings by R. Meagher and The Birth of God by O. Hartman. HARPER & ROW: Holy, Holy, Land edited by C. Wallis, Meditations in Uni Verse by P. Monka, and One Circus, Three Rings, Forever and Ever, Hooray by J. Pintauro. HERALD: Equipping for Ministry in East Africa by P. Miller (p), The Christian Way, by J. Miller (p), and * The Concept of the Believer’s Church, by J. Garrett, Jr. HERDER AND HERDER: Contemplative Prayer by T. Merton. INTER-VARSITY: This Morning with God, II edited by C. Adeney (p), and Ten Great Freedoms by E. Lange (p). JUDSON: Where’s God, Daddy? by C. Manos. MOODY: Portraits by D. Brotherton (p). REVELL: To Enrich Each Day by Swor and Merriman. WESTMINSTER: And He Is Lifted Up by S. Dietrich (p) and God for All Seasons by M. Maertens (p). WORLD: Golden Nuggets by R. Neighbour. ZONDERVAN: Make Love Your Aim by E. Price (p), Praying Together and Communicating Love Through Prayer, both by R. Rinker (p), Words of Comfort and Cheer by Mrs. C. Cowman (p), My Daily Quiet Time by H. Lindsell (p), Moments for Everyone by E. MacLeod, and The Mystery of Godliness by Ian Thomas (p).


BEACON HILL: Going on Seventeen by M. Boggs. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: So Restless, So Lonely by B. Palmer. FORTRESS: lnterrobang by N. Habel and The Private I by P. Naylor. HARPER & ROW: Phoenix Over the Galilee by Ka-tzetnik 135633. HERALD: Lucy Winchester by C. Kauffman and Night Preacher by L. Vernon. JOHN KNOX: Limericks—Lay and Clerical by C. Renn, The Human Image: Avant-Garde and Christian by R. Sherrell, Safed and Keturah by W. Barton (p), and Sense of Discovery: The Mountain by N. Roberts. LIPPINCOTT: A Handful of Dominoes by J. Johnson. MACMILLAN: A Funny Thing Happened to the Church edited by J. Wells. MOODY: Homespun Poetry by W. Huntley (p), Lyra, My Love by J. Tempest, and Marty: Conflicts on Campus by N. Wiley. NORTON: Masque of Honor by E. Linn and J. Pearl. REVELL: The Undelivered by O. Pattison. VANDERBILT: Dreaming of Floods by S. Friebert and From Under the Hill of Night by P. Petrie. WORLD: A Priest and a Girl by R. Daley. ZONDERVAN: The Fragmented, the Empty, the Love by P. Bard.


ABINGDON: The Sacraments: An Experiment in Ecumenical Honesty by E. Fiedler and R. Garrison. AUGSBURG: * No God but God by D. Schneider (p). CORPUS: World Development: Challenge to the Churches edited by D. Munby. HERDER AND HERDER: The Wider Ecumenism by E. Hillman. JOHN KNOX: Israel and the Church by M. Barth. LIPPINCOTT: An Antique Drum by T. Howard.


ABINGDON: The Christian and His Decisions by H. Smith and L. Hodges. AUGSBURG: Lutherans in the U.S.A. by W. Thorkelson (p) and No God but God by D. Schneider (p). BAKER: Building the Family Altar by T. Van Kooten (p), Facing the Issues by W. Krutza and P. DiCicco, and Communism Versus Creation by F. Lee (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: * Twentieth Century Prophecy: Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cacye by J. Bjornstad. CHRISTOPHER: * Hope for Our Broken World edited by K. Schuster. CORPUS: What Is Ethics All About? by H. McCabe, Hyphenated Priests: The Ministry of the Future edited by W. Cleary, and The Case for Freedom: Human Rights in the Church edited by J. Coriden. DAVID C.COOK: * The View from a Hearse by J. Bayly and You Know I Can’t Hear You When You Act That Way by J. Hamilton and B. Eakin (p). DIAL: Search for the New Land by J. Lester. EERDMANS: Kids and Cops, by D. Bouma (p). FORTRESS: The Age of the Person by D. von Oppen. HAROLD SHAW: A Time to Love by L. Bird and C. Reilly (p). HARPER & ROW: My Travel Diary: 1936 by P. Tillich. HERDER AND HERDER: Anti-Semitism and the Christian Mind by A. Davies and Adolescents in Search of a New Church by P. Babin. JOHN KNOX: Conscience and Responsibility by E. Mount, Jr., In Response to God: How Christians Make Ethical Decisions by I. Rogers (p) and Social Justice and the Latin Churches translated by J. Lara-Braud (p). LIPPINCOTT: Fire and Blackstone by J. Fry. MACMILLAN: Highly Irregular by B. Hilton and Wild Tongues: A Handbook of Social Pathology by F. Littell. NORTON: A Problem-Solving Society by J. Gardner. SABRA: One People: The Story of the Eastern Jews by M. and D. Hacohen. SEABURY: Campus Apocalypse by D. Rogan, Democracy, Dissent, and Disorder by R. Drinan, S.J., and Planet on Strike by J. Brown. SHEED & WARD: Religion in the Year 2000 by A. Greeley, Can These Bones Live?—The Failure of Church Renewal by R. Lecky and H. Wright, and Chemical Ecstasy: Psychedelic Drugs and Religion by W. Clark. VANDERBILT: The Sword’s Fierce Edge: A Journal of the Occupation of Greece 1941–1944 by J. Tsatsos. WESTMINSTER: The New Mentality by J. Cooper (p), Escape from Phoniness by A. Ungersma, Reality in Black and White by W. Eichelberger, and Reconciliation and Conflict by D. Hessel. ZONDERVAN: Magic in Marriage by J. Jauncey, Sexual Happiness in Marriage by H. Miles, and * Purple Violet Squish by D. Wilkerson.


AUGSBURG: Christmas in Rhythm and Rhyme by H. Brokering (p). CONCORDIA: Great Days for the Family by H. Belgum. HERDER AND HERDER: The Experimental Liturgy Book by R. Hoey. JOHN KNOX: The Lord’s Supper by J. von Allmen (p). KREGEL: * The Holy Vessels and Furniture of the Tabernacle by H. Soltau. OXFORD: A Short History of the Western Liturgy by T. Klauser. SEABURY: Multi-Media Worship edited by M. Bloy. WORLD: Minister’s Worship Manual compiled by Payne, Winward, and Cox. ZONDERVAN: The Zondervan Pastor’s Annual 1970 by T. Crabtree.


ABINGDON: The Church in Experiment by R. Reitz and Red Pancho and Big Boots by J. Palmer. BAKER: Africa Is Waiting by S. Schaeffer and For Missionaries Only by J. Cannon. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: * You Are Indispensable by D. Hillis (p). CORPUS: * Tongues as of Fire: Pentecostalism in Contemporary Christianity, by P. Damboriena. EERDMANS: Understanding Church Growth by D. McGavran and Latin American Theology by C. Peter Wagner (p). FORTRESS: Ways to Wake Up Your Church by E. Trexler (p). GOOD NEWS: * Fire on the Mountains by R. Davis (P). HAROLD SHAW: Caught with My Mouth Open by W. Christensen (p). HARPER & ROW: Passport to Life City by S. Wirt. JUDSON: Ashes for Breakfast by T. Holmes with G. Bryan, Jr., Letters of a C.O. from Prison by T. Zimmer, Next Stop Grand Central by R. and A. Sanborn, God’s Lost Cause by J. Russell, and Technology and People by C. Hall. KREGEL: Evangelistic Sermon Outlines and Revival Sermon Outlines. SWEET: Person to Person by B. Holley. ZONDERVAN: The Future of Evangelism by G. Martin, The Open Heart by R. Rinker, The Faith of the Russian Evangelicals by J. Pollock (p), and True Evangelism by L. Chafer (p).


ABINGDON: A Life Full of Surprises by L. Ogilvie, Judgment in Pastoral Counseling by L. Colston, and The New Shape of Pastoral Theology edited by W. Oglesby, Jr. BAKER: Expository Preaching Without Notes by C. Koller, Inspiring Talks for All Occasions by M. Gosselink (p), and History of Preaching, Volume II by E. Dargan (p). CONCORDIA: Pastoral Counseling with People in Distress by H. Haas. FORTRESS: * Man and Woman by K. Wrage. JOHN KNOX: The Dynamics of Confession by G. Gowman III. LIPPINCOTT: The Healing Power of the Bible by A. Sanford. JUDSON: Pastoral Care in Crucial Human Situations by W. Oates and A. Lester, Privilege and Burden by R. Middleton, and The Vacant Pulpit by J. Gilchrist. MACMILLAN: Priest as Manager by J. Deegan, Jr. MOODY: Grow Toward Leadership by M. Hodges (p), Release from Tension by P. Adolph (p), Balancing the Christian Life by C. Ryrie, and Here’s Your Answer by R. Little. REVELL: Surgery of the Soul by W. Reed. WESTMINSTER: Personal Growth and Social Change by H. Seifert and H. Clinebell, Jr. WORLD: Church Politics by K. Bridston, Will the Church Lose the City? edited by K. Cully and F. Harper, and Creative Churchmanship by D. Bartow. ZONDERVAN: Search for Identity by E. Jabay (p), Release from Tension by D. Blaiklock, Man in Triumph: An Integration of Psychology and Biblical Faith by H. Darling, How to Be a Preacher’s Wife by L. Parrott (p), Psychology of Christian Experience by W. Mavis (p), and The Usher’s Manual by L. Parrott.


ABINGDON: Television-Radio-Film for Churchmen edited by B. Jackson, Jr. BAKER: * Good News for Children by S. Haan, Inspiring Object Lessons with Prayers and Scripture by J. Sargent, Stimulating Object Talks by J. Schofield, Jr., Stories of Christmas Carols by E. Emurian (p), Youth Programs from the Gospel by B. Evans, Teens Alive by R. Heiser and W. Krutza (p), * Ten Largest Sunday Schools and What Makes Them Grow by E. Towns, and When Teens Rebel by W. Krutza. BEACON HILL: 52 Sundays of Worship for Children by E. Moore (p). CONCORDIA: 61 Gospel Talks for Children by E. Weisheit and Helping the Retarded Know God by H. Hahn and W. Raasch. CORPUS: Understanding the Apocalypse by W. Harrington. FORTRESS: A Christian’s Dictionary by J. Kerr and C. Lutz and Where Is God? by W. Wiese. FREE CHURCH PUBLICATIONS: The Bright Future of Sunday School by E. Towns. GOOD NEWS: Is the Bible True? by A. Bowman (p). HAROLD SHAW: Now What? by D. Winter (p). INTER-VARSITY: Encounter with Books edited by H. Merchant. JOHN KNOX: Church Camping: An Administrative Manual for Sponsoring Units, Planning Committees, and Directors by R. Davis (p). JUDSON: Discussion Starters for Youth Groups, Series Two by A. Billups. REVELL: Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide 1970. SEABURY: Like Father, Like Son, Like Hell by R. Hansel. SWEET: Unto the Least of These: A Curriculum for Inner-City Children by W. Willis. WESTMINSTER: Toward a Phenomenology of Education by J. Chamberlin, College Education and the Campus Revolution by J. Cantelon (p), and Help! I’m a Sunday School Teacher by M. Duckert (p). WORLD: The Douglass Sunday School Lessons 1970. ZONDERVAN: Honey for a Child’s Heart by G. Hunt.


AUGSBURG: Getting Ready for Christmas by D. Wolber (p). BAKER: Sermons and Outlines on the Seven Words by S. Robertson et al. (p), Sermons and Outlines on the Lord’s Supper by A. Maclaren et al. (p), We Would See Jesus and Other Sermons by G. Truett (p), Sermons on Biblical Characters by C. Chappel (p), Along Life’s Crowded Highway by C. Macartney, Lectures on Preaching by P. Brooks (p), Jesus Came Preaching by G. Buttrick (p), The Holy Spirit in Your Life by A. Blackwood, Jr. (p), In Remembrance of Me by A. Whyte (p), The Whole Armor of God by J. Jowett (p), Treasury of Great Sermons on the Resurrection by W. Smith (p), and Treasury of Quiet Talks by S. Gordon (p). BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: We Persuade Men by V. Black. CONCORDIA: Jesus, Why? by R. Caemmerer and Concordia Pulpit, 1970. FORTRESS: The Preaching of John Henry Newman edited by W. White (p) and For God’s Sake edited by H. Montefiore (p). HARPER & ROW: Reverence for Life by A. Schweitzer and The Ministers Manual: 1970 edited by C. Wallis. JUDSON: Speaking from the Pulpit by W. Mannebach and J. Mazza. KREGEL: 200 Scriptural Sermon Outlines by J. Burns. SWEET: The Best of Banowsky: Sermons by Bill Banowsky. ZONDERVAN: Profiles of Prophecy by S. Logsdon (p), By Christ Compelled by R. Lee, Miracle of Time by E. Hayden, Spurgeon’s Sermon Notes by D. Fuller (p), and Simple Sermons on Prayer by W. Ford.


ABINGDON: The Image of Man in C. S. Lewis by W. White, In Search of Foundations by T. Langford, Breakthrough: Rediscovery of the Holy Spirit by A. Walker, God in an Age of Atheism by S. Schilling, and The Shape of the Christian Life by D. Duncombe. AUGSBURG: Christian Hope and the Lordship of Christ edited by M. Heinecken (p), Christian Hope and the Secular edited by D. Martensen (p), and Heritage of Faith translated by M. Helland. BAKER: The Angels of God by A. Gaebelein, Interpreting God’s Word Today edited by S. Kistemaker, and Theology and Inspiration by J. Orr. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: How to Find Freedom from the Power of Sin by T. Hegre (p). CORPUS: A Theology of Human Hope by R. Alves and The Redeeming Christ: Reflections on the Passion, Death and Resurrection by P. Riga. EERDMANS: All Things Made New by L. Smedes, The Rainbow Sign: Christian Futurity by G. Fackre, * The Reform of the Church by D. Bloesch, and The Consciousness of Battle by M. Shideler. FORTRESS: The Future of Roman Catholic Theology by G. Lindbeck. HARPER & ROW: The Future of God by C. Braaten and In Praise of Play by R. Neale. HERDER AND HERDER: The Achievement of Karl Barth by H. Bouillard, Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, Volumes IV and V edited by H. Vorgrimler, Death and Immortality by J. Pieper, Empty Tomb and Risen Lord by D. Crossan, Grace in Freedom by K. Rahner, Man and His New Hope by G. O’Collins, and The Trinity by K. Rahner. INTER-VARSITY: Establishing Basic Beliefs by G. Lewis (p). JOHN KNOX: Christian Reality and Appearance by J. Mackay, The Finality of Christ by L. Newbigin, On Religion by F. Schleiermacher, and Well-Founded Hope by H. Berkhof. LIPPINCOTT: The Promise of Barth by T. Oden, The Promise of Bennett by R. Lee, and The Promise of Bonhoeffer by B. Reist. SEABURY: Theological Foundation of Law by J. Ellul and * Social Reality and Theology in Latin America by J. Segundo, S.J. SHEED AND WARD: Humiliation and Celebration: Post-Radical Themes in Doctrine, Morals and Mission by G. Fackre. WESTMINSTER: The Secular Search for a New Christ by G. Todrand (p), The Layman’s Introduction to Christian Thought by J. Kallas (p), History and Existential Theology by N. Young, To Be Human Now by D. Woodyard (p), and An Introduction to the Theology of Albrecht Ritschl by D. Mueller. WORLD: Gods and Games: Toward a Theology of Play by D. Miller. ZONDERVAN: Fundamentals of the Faith edited by C. Henry, Last Things edited by H. Eddleman, Grace by L. Chafer (p), and Your Adversary, The Devil by J. Pentecost.

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