Although the Latin America Congress on Evangelism had a “made in America” stamp on it, it brought to the surface indigenous speakers and leaders on whom the progress of Christianity on that continent depends. The theological depth of some of the papers shows that evangelical faith has come of age south of the Rio Grande. The Rockefeller report that predicted an astronomical population increase in the next twenty-five years must be taken seriously. Every missionary agency and all the foreign missionaries as well as the national Christians will not be more than is needed.
The Berlin Congress on Evangelism in 1966 has brought a rich harvest of regional congresses covering the Far East and South Pacific, Africa, Latin America, the United States, and in the future Canada and Mexico. The momentum gained for evangelism cannot be allowed to diminish. The need of the world for the Gospel of Christ and the spiritual regeneration that comes from faith in him is greater than ever before. Of all the challenges faced by the Church, none is greater than that of confronting men with the claims of Jesus Christ.