Mexico City gave us a cold and rainy welcome last month as we gathered for a meeting of the Continuation Committee of the International Congress on World Evangelization. A few of the committee members encountered an even chillier situation: they had visa troubles and never got to Mexico at all. Mexico does not grant visas to people with South African passports.
Three articles and the lead editorial in this issue are devoted to theological seminary education. We need to remind ourselves that seminaries are the fountainhead of the Church. As go the seminaries, so go the denominations. Today many of the German seminaries, for example, are thoroughly committed to an apostate theology and a Marxist view of history. They have no biblical Gospel to preach and are actively hostile to evangelism that seeks to reconcile man to God.
If the churches are going to be renewed or even maintained, they need a good supply of faithful ministers; and the best chance for getting those lies in the seminaries still faithful to Scripture and thoroughly committed to historic orthodoxy. May their tribe increase.