Why do you support a Pat Robertson candidacy?
America is ready for a President who will speak for God as well as for the American people. President Reagan was God’s man to call the American people back to moral rightness. Now we need a man to call us to righteousness. There is a growing feeling among many Christians—myself included—that Robertson may be ordained by God for this task.
On what basis would Robertson appeal to people outside his “700 Club” following?
Although his ten million regular viewers compose his present core of support, his broader support would come from the 80 percent of the American public that approve of Reagan. The American people are concerned about things man has no control over—disease, drought, hurricanes. Robertson believes God’s man, in the name of Jesus, has authority over all things. This will appeal to people who are tired of leaders who admit they are powerless.
Has Robertson’s experience as a businessman and broadcaster prepared him to be President?
His qualifications are not based on his success as a broadcaster and businessman. The question is this: Has he been selected by God? If so, he’s qualified.
Would it be valid for Robertson to wait for a ‘word from the Lord’ before acting in a national emergency?
The ability to hear from God should be the number one qualification for the U.S. presidency. If Christians believe God has a plan for this nation, shouldn’t we want a man in the White House who listens to God, rather than a man who acts on the basis of political expediency?
Will press attacks on Robertson create problems for the larger Christian witness in America?
His candidacy and his election would draw favorable attention to a God of the supernatural, and could very well be the catalyst to return the life of God to a church which, in many areas, is drawing its last breath.
Is Robertson able to take advice and develop sustained staff loyalties?
He has submitted to the same board of powerful and opinionated men for nearly 15 years, and his three senior executives have been with him almost that long. His life and ministry have been built on submitting to strong men.
Does Robertson run the risk of exploiting his “700 Club” viewers and people who participate in the educational activities of Freedom Council, the tax-exempt group he founded?
He is too wise and moral to circumvent the law that demands that the moment he announces for public office he can no longer have access to the “700 Club” or Freedom Council. He has not used the “700 Club,” Freedom Council, or the Christian Broadcasting Network mailing list to build support or raise money for a possible campaign.
Why do you oppose a Pat Robertson candidacy?
We don’t have religious political parties in America, and Robertson’s candidacy would amount to that. It would tend to isolate Christians and make them subject to ridicule. It would also suggest that Christians have a hidden agenda of politically taking over America.
Are you saying Christians should not be involved politically?
That’s not what I’m saying. The Lord instructed us to be involved in the world. But we do not need religious political candidates, which Robertson would be. We need political candidates who happen to be Christians or have some other religious faith.
Another problem is that a Robertson candidacy would convey the wrong impression about what a Christian should believe on any political issue. On most issues—such as Gramm-Rudman, sanctions against South Africa, NATO, and SALT n—there isn’t a Christian position. There is one on abortion, however. But Robertson and others would have you believe that theirs is the Christian position.
What impact would Robertson’s candidacy have?
An enormous one. He would bring new people into the Republican party, influence the party’s policies, and gain some delegates. But he won’t win the presidential nomination.
Is Robertson qualified to serve as President?
Yes. He has remarkable political skills, and he can crystallize and express his views with great clarity. But politics is not the line of work he chose. He chose to have a Christian ministry. He should stick with that, because running for President would discredit his ministry.
Robertson has built a constituency among “700 Club” viewers. Do they stand to be exploited?
He’s using his huge Christian following, his religious constituency, as the core of his political support. It gives non-Christians and some Christians the wrong idea about what his ministry is about. They will conclude that there has been a hidden political agenda all along.
What effect will the secular news media’s treatment of Robertson have?
It will be harmful to him and an embarrassment to many Christians. He will be ridiculed for such things as faith healing; and he will be written about unfavorably concerning things every Christian believes in.
In an interview, Robertson drew a distinction between what he has said on the air and what he would promote as a politician. Does he risk losing support if he appears to tone down his convictions?
It’s inevitable that his original supporters will become upset. But he’s not moderating so much as he is trying to characterize his views in a way that appeals to people other than fundamentalists.