The bold-faced headline on this month’s cover (“How It All Began”) refers, of course, to Creation—the focus of a lively Christianity Today Institute forum held last December in Chicago. However, the idea for making the mechanics of Creation a CT cover story began long before that day-long meeting.
At one of our early 1987 senior editors’ meetings, the afternoon’s discussion revolved around questions of origins and how they were leaving bitter feelings on Christian campuses across the country—not to mention some professors out of work. Did God create the heavens and Earth in six literal days? Were there two creations? And so forth.
While such questions have historically been the flashpoints of this controversy, we decided it was again time for ct to deal with that controversy in depth—carefully and cautiously. Our challenge was to find articulate spokespersons representing a variety of positions on the Creation—each speaking from a solid Christian perspective, yet coming to different conclusions regarding the relation of science to biblical interpretation.
This we did; and with the involvement of senior editor and institute dean Kenneth Kantzer, the give-and-take on that day was “no-holds-barred,” but cordial—the common bond of faith proving stronger than individual differences.
HAROLD B. SMITH, Managing Editor