He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evengelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ, until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13
I used to think leadership was about being the person out in front, about being the one with all the answers. I was so wrong. As I reflect on how I grew from the woman in the pew to a leader in ministry, I realize how blessed I was to have so many patient, loving, tenacious people assist me on that journey. All were different, and yet each left thumbprints on my identity as a leader.
A man named Charles equipped me by asking the right questions. Often the questions were, What do you need from me? How can I support you? But his style of drawing out my leadership gift came in the form of questions and challenges. If I came seeking advice about a concern, he would say, “Sue, see this as your ministry challenge. How are you going to handle it? Have you taken time to pray about it?” Charles brought out the learner in me.
Bill taught me how to rely on my faith. With every new challenge I faced personally or professionally, Bill taught me about the challenges of Jesus and Paul. In times of fear and darkness he reminded me that I was not alone and helped me claim the Word as my single greatest survival skill. Bill taught me about the power of reflection and, by his supportive teaching style, helped me see that Christ is in each and every one of us.
Nancy helped me to grow through her encouragement. She supported my dreams with prayers, ideas, and actions. Nancy taught me about advocacy, that leaders need to speak the truth in love, to never remain silent and allow injustice. Nancy supported me by challenging me to be a good steward of my health, both spiritual and physical, and my boundaries, both personal and professional. She equipped me with her love and her wisdom, but most of all by her character and by what she modeled.
Brad taught me about integrity, truth, and grace. His humility reminded me of Jesus’ teaching that as leaders we are first of all servants. And his humor affirmed again and again that ministry is really fun.
None of my mentors told me what to do or how to do it. Yet they each supported my growth in very different ways. I have learned many things on my journey, mostly through my mistakes. But my greatest lesson is that God continues to use the seemingly unqualified to do the unimaginable.
—Sue Mallory
Who has been The greatest influence in my life and why? What kind of equipper am I—”power over” or “sunport under”?
Gracous and loving God, I give you thanks for continuing to bless my life with teachers, equippers, and mentors who lead from a support position and allow me to risk to fail, and to grow in the challenges. Father, as I seek to help others to grow, help me to remember not to tell but to ask and listen so that they may discover and grow in ther own very special gifts.
“An authentic leader acts in ways which serve to elevate those around him.”
—Sean M. Georges
Leadership DevotionsCopyright Tyndale House Publishers.Used by permission.