January is a time to look ahead—to put away the Christmas decorations and make resolutions for the next year. But before we say a final farewell to 2010, let’s take one last look at the year that was at BuildingChurchLeaders.com.
In 2010, we introduced dozens of new downloads on topics ranging from discipleship and failure to newcomers, introverts, and small churches. Here are the top 10 most-downloaded resources from the past year:
10. Streamlining Church Programming – Practical Ministry Skills Too many churches try to do everything, rather than doing what they do well. This download will help you eliminate complexity in your church so you can focus on doing what you do best.
9. Church Facilities Manager – Orientation Guide This orientation guide offers helpful tips, schedules, and paperwork for leaders who oversee the care and keeping of your building and grounds.
8. Combo Pack: Essentials for Church Staffing – Focused Training Collection Four essential resources in one (discounted) package! Find everything you need for hiring, evaluating, and dealing with your church staff in one easy place.
7. Building a Culture of Discipleship – Training Theme Discipleship is the calling of every believer, and it is accessible to every person who comes to your church. Help make your congregation a place that nurtures discipleship by using the assessments, studies, and how-to articles in this download.
6. Engaging Everyone in Worship – Worship Essentials Learn from Andy Crouch, songwriters Keith and Kristyn Getty, and others about drawing your congregation into worship.
5. How to Last as a Leader – Practical Ministry Skills Ministry burnout is a very real threat, and one that defeats more leaders than we’d care to admit. Guard yourself against it by focusing on the principles important to a lasting leader.
4. Combo Pack: Newcomers in Your Church – Focused Training Collection Learn how your church can best welcome and retain its visitors and newcomers—five great resources for one low price.
3. Administrative Assistant – Orientation Guide Chock-full of insights and helpful hints for a new assistant, this resource will help a new staff member jump right into this key role.
2. Leading as an Introvert – Practical Ministry Skills Many introverts feel they are at a disadvantage when it comes to ministry. This download offers a wealth of insights into how introverts who lead in the church can understand their own gifting and calling, how they can guard against fatigue and burnout, and how they can lead the people around them, extroverts and introverts alike.
1. Spiritual Disciplines for Busy Church Leaders – Practical Ministry Skills It’s so easy to get lost in the frantic pace of ministry that sometimes we neglect our own spiritual lives. The practice of personal spiritual disciplines invigorates your personal relationships with God as well as your ministry.