Books & Culture November/December 1997 Issue Volume 3, Number 6 arrow_left January/February 1998 Issue arrow_right September/October 1997 Issue The Changing message of manly religion Articles in this Issue A Peacemaker in the Battle for the Bible Alister McGrath Stuck On Relationships Virginia Stem Owens In Brief: November 01, 1997 Deconstructing Race Paul Spickard and Laurie Mengel Telling America Its Nightmares Larry Woiwode What Is the Church Good For? Ashley Woodiwiss The Kingdom of the Cult-Watchers Ronald Enroth The Battle over Assisted Death Is Just Starting Diane M. Komp Welcoming the War Criminal Roger E. Olson Christmas Shopping, Shopping Christmas Richard Lyman Bushman Straitened & Narrowed Doug Frank When You’re Scared Enough to Send the Very Best Virginia Stem Owens Leaving the World to Save the World Bruce Hindmarsh The Way We Were and Are George M. Marsden Buckley on Belief Interview by Michael Cromartie Jazz in Midlife Crisis William Edgar Not Lost in Space Roy Anker Those Madcap Menendez Boys Phillip E. Johnson Weeping Warriors Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen LETTERS Stranger In a Strange Land John Wilson, Editor Subscribe Today Get over 120 years of combined magazine archives plus full access to Subscribe for as low as $4/mo. All Archives