Articles in this Issue
People as Property
Face to face with slavery
Stranger in a Strange Land
Mixedblood Trickster
It Takes Three to Tango
Neither syntax nor semantics maps the full richness of everyday speech.
After Experience?
William James and consumer religion
Modern <em>and</em> Christian
How to think with the mind of Christ.
What It Means to Be Secular
A conversation with philosopher Charles Taylor
Reading, Writing, and Charity
A theology of reading.
Looking Up from the Navel
Three novels that get out and about
Pastel Covers, Real People
What I learned from reading 34 Christian novels
The Way It Was Before
Stephen Carter’s first novel offers a compelling mystery
The Peaceable Kingdom?
Guns and the English
The Persistence of Indians: In Search of Native America
In search of Native America
A Conversation on Books About Islam and the Middle East
After September 11, books about Islam and the Middle East shot to the top of the bestseller charts. American readers sought to learn more about a religion that had inspired such zealotry, however misguided, and about a portion of the world that erupts in violence almost daily. Several months later, Books & Culture editor John Wilson and regular contributor Philip Yancey found themselves on a panel discussing a sampling of books that shed light on these issues.
Life Among the Cyber-Amish
Computer Control, Part 2
The Decline That Wasn’t
A widely cited 1987 study by James Davison Hunter claimed that students at evangelical colleges were becoming increasingly secularized and abandoning their orthodox faith commitments—and predicted that this trend would continue. A new study reviews the ev
Our Posthuman Future
A conversation with Francis Fukuyama
Should the Lord Tarry
The future of Christianity
Vengeance Is Whose?
A new film version of The Count of Monte Cristo emphasizes faith, but with a strange twist.
To End All Christian Films
A movie that takes evil seriously
Red, White, and Gray
Andrew Jackson and Indian removal
The Bird Who Married a Blue Light
A story.
Smoke Signals on Film
Indians in the Movies