Articles in this Issue
Overwhelmed as with a Stream of Joy: An Autobiography
Translated from Marianne Beyer-Frohlich, hrsg., Pietismus und Rationalismus (Leipzig, 1933), pp. 19–20.
Can These Bones Live?
A spiritual hunger grew in reaction to the coldness and formalism of the Protestant state churches. Drawing from diverse roots, Pietism emerged as a quest to apply Reformation doctrine to personal life.
Reborn in Order to Renew
The Pietists’ emphasis on the new birth and biblical authority had startling implications as to how one treated orphans, the lower classes and one’s opponents. Orthodoxy was not enough. A changed life was required.
The Roots and Branches of Pietism
Experiencing the Christian Faith
Moving on Many Fronts
Preaching, social concern, missions, ecumenicity were among the major emphases of Pietism.
The Wissahickon Hermits
From Robert Borneman, Fire Hymns from the Hymnbook of Magister Johannes Kelpius (1976). Used with permission of Fortress Press.
From the Archives: The Pia Desideria (Pious Desires)
The Manifesto of Pietism