Articles in this Issue
The Zoloft Dispensation
Pastoring in the meds age, when everybody’s on something.
Dumping Ground
In a place where even people are considered refuse, no one would listen to the educated, accomplished pastor. Until he became one of them.
Story Time
A small group that’s all about you.
All I Have Is Second String
Can my B-players make an A-team?
Chronics Overload
When the needy get too needy.
Take Time to Be What?
A classic hymn shows why holiness is scarce these days.
Why Many Young Adults Quit
One in four young Protestants has walked away from the church.
Want to Be Wonder-full?
We really like our Vaseline tubes. That’s what makes us less likely to follow Jesus to the margins.
Alien Nation
One pastor’s perspective on the immigration debate—and immigration opportunity.
Effective Hospital Visits
Look carefully for the primary condition: fear, fatigue, or …
“Unproductive” Visits
Why must I spend so much time nodding and smiling, when my to-do list is so long?
From Good Intentions to Actions
How one church got started ministering to their neighbors.
Guides to the Kingdom
Why our church attends to prodigals, children, the poor, and those with disabilities.
Outside In
What it takes to minister to those on the margins.
Dei Laborers
Rick McKinley and the Imago Dei Community are taking the whole gospel to the whole city of Portland, Oregon, even to the margins.
Good Marginal Thinking
The heroes of church history began as reflective Christians who doubted what everyone else took for granted.
5 Kinds of Christians
Understanding the disparity of those who call themselves Christian in America.
My Death
Darin announced his suicide plans online, and followed through. How can I help our small town cope with his very public pain?