Cover Story
Marriage: Californians keep marriage straight
California churches crucial in Prop. 22 debate.
Saving Conservatives’ Honor
Gary Bauer is out of the presidential race, but not the campaign.
Worship: Networking Against Poverty
African-American churches aim to create ‘systemic wealth’ in inner-city neighborhoods.
In Summary:Popular Apologetics
Recent and important releases that will shape evangelical thought.
Smaller is Better?
Feds OK low-power radio licenses, but broadcasters decry interference.
Sudan: Mixing Oil and Blood
Sudan’s ‘slaughter of the innocents’ toughens religious freedom coalition.
Briefs: The World
Nepal’s Christians see unprecedented growth in this Hindu kingdom.
Africa: A Windup Gospel and Recycled Studios
Christian broadcasting in Africa is amplified by new technology, innovative partnerships.
God Ble$$ America
The rising economic tide floats all yachts. How should Christians help everyone else?
Carl Ellis on How Islam Is Winning Black America
Now is the time to turn the tide, says apologist Carl Ellis.
The Company of Sinners
A divinely inspired institution, the church is full of ordinary people who sometimes say and do cruel, stupid things.
Columbine’s Tortuous Road to Healing
One year later, survivors’ recovery is filled with painful twists and turns.
The Benefit of the Doubt
The disciple Thomas reveals an important truth about faith.
Confronting Sudan
Western Christians and governments should press Khartoum on multiple fronts.
A Little Wine for the Soul?
The Bible says drunkenness is a sin (Galatians 5:21). But is occasional social drinking OK for Christians?
Popular Culture:The Clay Cries Out
The Miracle Maker presents an animated, supernatural, and utterly believable Jesus.
Liberator of the West
Aside from stumbling over John, Thomas Cahill’s assessment of the historical Jesus is surprisingly sane.
The Back Page | Philip Yancey:My To-Be List
What I learned from a 50-year spiritual checkup.
Good Friday
You do not understand Christ till you understand His cross.
Easter Sunday
The joy of the resurrection renews the whole world.
Your World:Sex and Saints
A new vocabulary for an oversexualized culture.