Cover Story
Cover Story
No Longer Left Behind
“An insider’s look at how Christian books are agented, acquired, packaged, branded, and sold in today’s marketplace.”
Not Everybody Loves Ray
Campus Crusade for Christ evangelism stirs controversy and debate.
Belgium: Deported as ‘Illegal’
Officials expel four Assemblies of God volunteers.
Winning the Race
The D.C. Marathon and Palm Sunday do not mix.
Reality Check
“Television shows feature Christians in a race, on a trip, and in a prison”
Not in the Job Description
Christians step outside their jobs to give Bible lessons.
Frozen Chosen
Antarctica gets its first Orthodox church.
The Model Pastor
“David Hughes preaches on Sunday, models on Monday.”
Quotation Marks
“Comments on abstinence, fundamentalism, and producing clean hip-hop music.”
Free Children
Antioch Bible Church campaigns for fair adoption.
Ethiopia: Returning a Tabot
Orthodox demand that British give back all looted sacred items.
A Preventable Tragedy
Evangelicals must not pretend to be immune to sexual sin by clergy or volunteers
Flogged and Deported
What you can do to help persecuted Christians in Saudi Arabia.
Hell’s Final Enigma
Won’t heaven’s joy be spoiled by our awareness of unsaved loved ones in hell?
Leading with Conclusions
Much of Jesus scholarship is about neither the historical Jesus nor good scholarship.
The Heavyweights of Religion Research
Reference works that provide pound-for-pound excellence.
The Dour Analyst and the Joyous Christian
“In the realm of mental balance and personal peace, Sigmund Freud had nothing on C. S. Lewis.”
Two Cultural Giants
Both Sigmund Freud and C. S. Lewis were emotionally wounded as boys and struggled with depression as men. But a worldview can make a tremendous difference.
Theology for the Rest of Us
“Introductions to theological thinking need not be dry, bloated, or inaccessible.”
“The Good News According to Twain, Steinbeck, and Dickens”
My road to faith was paved with great literature.
“In the World, but…”
Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture is 50 years old—and still has something wise to say to evangelicals.
‘Political Witch Hunt’
New York attorney general goes after crisis pregnancy centers.
Faith on TV: More Religious TV for Canada
CTV adds a second beat reporter and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation devotes part of a new show to religion.
Mea Culpa: Graham Laments ’72 Comments on Jews
Jewish leaders seek meeting before June outreach.
Ponzi Payback: Treachery of the Highest Order
Andersen insurer pulls plug on Baptist Foundation of Arizona settlement.
’Let’s not Fight’
Conservative leaders say they want to rebuild the church Jesus’ way.
Southern Baptists: To Sign or Not to Sign?
Some Southern Baptist missionaries balk at revised statement.
Salvation Army Eyes Registration Victory
“After a long legal battle in Moscow, the Army gets hope that there is justice.”
Bono Tells Christians: Don’t Neglect Africa
He urges evangelicals to take a lead in fighting AIDS and poverty.
Bono’s Burning Question
Evangelicals and U2’s singer try to figure each other out.
2002 Christianity Today Book Awards
“Here are the books our judges—200 pastors, scholars, and church leaders—considered the worthiest this year.”
Nixon’s Ghost
The late President’s tapes brought more pain—and a genuine act of repentance.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from April 22, 2002
Quotations to stir the heart and mind about writing.
Amplified Versions
Worship wars come down to music and a power plug.
“The Back Page: More Doctrine, Not Less”
We need to proclaim truth to a truth-impaired generation