Cover Story
Cover Story
Grading the Movement
Three leaders talk frankly about Pentecostalism: the good, the bad, and the unpredictable.
Sweeter Dreams
HIV infections decline in Zimbabwe.
A Demanding Doctor
An admiring biography doesn’t smooth out the complications of James Dobson.
Fulfilling God’s Promises
The Message of the New Testament shows how Jesus carries out the Old Testament.
The Conservative Humanist
Those who are pro-life and pro-family should have no problem being pro-human.
The 40 Best Christian Places to Work
More than 10,000 employees weighed in on their jobs.
How Christianity Shaped the Modern World
Too often maligned, the faith has contributed much to our culture.
Zimbabwe Nightmare
Christians try to negotiate ministry in southern Africa’s most failed state.
Military Culture War
Armed services debate prayer ‘in Jesus’ name.’
Calvin’s Battle for Marriage
Studying Geneva’s sexual reformation has lessons for today.
Wicca’s Charm
A Christian journalist seeks to understand the burgeoning pagan religion.
Statistical Illusion
New study confirms that we go to church much less than we say.
The Tiger in the Academy
Asian Americans populate America’s elite colleges more than ever—and campus ministries even more than that.
Pentecostals: The Sequel
What will it take for this world phenomenon to stay vibrant for another 100 years?
Stepping to Success
One reason Randy and Paula White’s Without Walls is one of the country’s fastest-growing congregations.
Profitable Servants
New mutual fund expands the church-bond market.
Science in Wonderland
Getting some perspective (250 million years’ worth) on the evolution controversy.
God’s Word for Ardent Disciples
New study Bibles aim to help three especially committed constituencies.
Musical Messengers of the Word
Journeying to faith through the work of musicians, artists, and ministers.
Pentecostal Connections
Full Gospel’s forbidden fruit.
Looking After Creation
Acclaimed physicist Sir John Houghton discusses his motives and passion for a cooler world climate.
Go Figure
Recent stats on evangelical happiness and views on euthanasia, and violent Americans.
A family crisis in a Midwestern town set the stage for Vinita Hampton Wright’s latest novel.
My Dirty Little Former Secret
God used a movie about gay cowboys to release me from the burden of my past.
Something Old, Something New
Archbishop wants Christians, left and right, to learn from church history.
Furrowed Brows Inc.
The culture war’s biggest casualties may be Christian joy and hope.
Appreciate Our Efforts
Don’t patronize or belittle Rwandan Christians committed to progress.
A Velveteen Apologetic
How two creatures dig a rabbit hole in my disbelief.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from April 01, 2006
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Soothing Ourselves to Death
Should we give people what they want or what they need?