Cover Story
Cover Story
A Better Storyteller
Donald Miller helps culturally conflicted evangelicals make peace with their faith.
Who Do Your Books Say That I Am?
New volumes tell much about our Lord–and our cultural moment.
Tom and Reg’s Excellent Adventure
Leepike Ridge has something for everyone.
<em>The Secret</em> Exposed
Why Oprah and millions of readers can be wrong.
Where Is God When It Hurts?
A sermon given on the Virginia Tech campus two weeks after the shootings.
The Giuliani Choice
Conservative leaders doubt his support among evangelicals will last.
Solution Stalemate
Evangelical ambivalence mirrors national immigration gridlock.
The Mission of the Trinity
Singaporean theologian Simon Chan says ‘missional theology’ has not gone far enough.
Holistic Reach
There’s more to mission than church planting, author argues.
“Is Christianity Good for the World?”
Part 3 of the ongoing debate between Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson.
Q&A: Tony Hall
Hall, a former Democratic congressman, directs the faith component of a new Middle East initiative sponsored by the State Department and members of Congress.
High-Stakes Protest
Church leaders confront President Mugabe.
When Tragedy Happens
After a massacre like Virginia Tech’s, how we minister makes all the difference.
‘Nightmare of Nightmares’
Virginia Tech’s Korean Christians wrestle with the aftermath of a massacre.
News Briefs: June 01, 2007
Malatya murders, Child Online Protection Act, and Remnant convictions.
Go Figure
Recent statistics on religious websites, evangelicals and homosexual teachers, and women’s roles.
Looking for the Next Big Thing
A Christian publishing update.
Overheated Rhetoric
What should we make of bestselling books blasting Christians?
2007 Christianity Today Book Awards
22 titles that bring understanding to people, events, and ideas that shape evangelical life, thought, and mission.
Poor in Spirit
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Brave New Salvation
A vision of a sinless future.
Sub-biblical Transformation
Organization-speak threatens to blind us to the church’s unique glory.
Partial Reversal
The Supreme Court’s abortion decision shows that the arguments have changed.