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A journalist counts the cost of prolonged cultural conflict in the life of one fractured congregation.
Chosen by Kristin Elizabeth Couch, author of Deep Roots, Good Fruit: Seeing the Fruit of the Spirit Through Story and Scripture.
How the early church’s example of public witness helps us avoid the extremes of triumphalism and retreat.
Elizabeth Oldfield’s invitation to seekers who long to transform themselves and their world.
Aaron Renn outlines individual, institutional, and missional strategies for adapting to a hostile culture.
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.
Chosen by Alex Sosler, author of A Short Guide to Spiritual Formation: Finding Life in Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Community.
If they don’t “apologize” in the modern sense, it’s only because Scripture has a richer vocabulary of repentance.
A majority of American Protestants were raised by devout mothers, a study finds.