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Interview with scholar of American Salafism finds commonalities—and potential for engagement—between the austere Islamic interpretive movement and the Christian community most wary of them.
As a militant Muslim, I never expected to have any dealings with Christians, much less to befriend them.
As I looked up at the burning twin towers, life-changing words came to me—words I suddenly heard inside my head.
What we know, and what we don’t, about Nigeria’s brutal band of Islamists.
Radical Islamists are capitalizing on poverty and unemployment to enlist would-be martyrs.
Remember how Americans felt after watching the jubilation after September 11?
The news should again remind us of the difference between the City of Man and the City of God.
But our response as Christians must be marked by knowledge of our own depravity.
Fatal attacks trigger exodus of Christians from major cities.
Journalist and poet Eliza Grizwold says we can learn a lot about Christianity by surveying the region where they have clashed for 200 years.