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Jen Wilkin is a wife, mom, and Bible teacher. She is the author of Women of the Word and None Like Him. She tweets @jenniferwilkin.
Only on our best days do we get a glimpse of the joyful labor to come.
How to out-parent the prevailing cultural mantra of “me, right now.”
Despite their crucial role in congregational life, 83 percent of women’s ministry leaders remain unpaid.
What we want for ourselves becomes what we offer to others.
Our true comfort comes in trusting in the one who holds tomorrow.
At just the right time, God fulfills his promise.
Too many of our prayers rush past praise.
When the world calls everything unprecedented, God’s provision remains unchanging.
Fifteen minutes of Bible reading may not turn every day around, but it’ll yield fruit at the right time.
So let’s make sure we’re teaching sound doctrine in worship.