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Siapa yang Paling Mungkin Mempraktikkan Saat Teduh Setiap Hari?
Survei mendapati bahwa dua pertiga pengunjung gereja meluangkan waktu bersama Tuhan setidaknya setiap hari, tetapi praktiknya berbeda-beda.
After United Methodist Split, Some Conservatives Remain
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage.
Forgotten War: Sudan’s Displaced Christians Brace for ‘World’s Worst’ Hunger Crisis
Interview with leader of new evangelical alliance describes his escape from Khartoum and the pressure to pick a side.
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”
More Pastors Are Leaving Ministry Over Church Conflict
But experts say it can offer opportunities for leaders and congregations to grow.
Au Sénégal, le ngalakh rapproche chrétiens et musulmans.
Des évangéliques évoquent l’opportunité de cette pratique d’origine catholique pour favoriser la bonne cohabitation et faire connaître l’Évangile.
Chuck Swindoll Steps Down as Senior Pastor, but Won’t Retire
At 89 years old and more than 60 years into ministry, the Stonebriar Community Church founder plans to remain its primary preacher after the church names his successor.
Make Nepal Hindu Again: Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom.
More Porridge? Senegal Protestants Debate Exchanging Holiday Foods with Muslims
Ngalakh combines baobab fruit and peanuts to end Easter in West African nation, reciprocated by the sharing of meat breaking Ramadan’s fast.
Some Evangelicals Want a Third-Party Option, Even Without a Chance at Winning
The American Solidarity Party is a small but growing alternative to the Trump-Biden race.
Record-Setting Betting Weighs on College Athletes
As players face new pressures from bettors upset with their performance, chaplains in the NCAA are trying to help students remember their imago Dei.
After Taiwan’s Powerful Earthquake, Christian Aid Groups Work to Rebuild Lives
On an island where Buddhist disaster relief is prominent, Christians work with churches to care for children and families.
Died: Joseph Kayo, the Kenyan Leader Who Revolutionized Worship in East Africa
His Pentecostalism put him at odds with many but the Deliverance Church founder stood firm in his convictions “to bring back the glory of God back to the Church in these last days.”
Vietnam’s New Religious Decree Further Burdens Local Churches
Pastors and religious liberty advocates worry the government’s effort to manage religion will bring tighter control.
Nos lugares em que a fé dos Boomers está em baixa, a crença da Geração Z está em alta
O que quase 20 mil pessoas, em 26 países, acreditam sobre Deus, Satanás e o sobrenatural.
Les chrétiens du Botswana secoués par un dramatique accident de bus.
Les responsables prient et déplorent l’insécurité routière après la mort de 45 pèlerins sur le chemin de l’Église chrétienne de Sion, en Afrique du Sud.
테러리스트에게 130명이 사살된 이후 복수에 저항하는 러시아 복음주의자들
모스크바와 키예프가 ISIS 연계 단체의 소행이라고 주장하는 콘서트장 테러에 대해 비난이 오가는 가운데, 기독교 지도자들은 비난 대신 연민과 용서에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
The Regulation Suffocating Christian Ministries in India
Designed to monitor foreign funding, more recently FCRA has crippled numerous organizations. Is it intentional?

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
From embracing Western styles to preserving cultural heritage, how female leaders in six states navigate competing perspectives on appropriate attire.

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