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Preacher with a Paintbrush
The first acclaimed black artist shared the gospel without saying a word.
The Best Worship Music You Won't Hear on Christian Radio
It's like finding needles in a hymnstack.
How Not to Listen to the New Sufjan Stevens Album
Can we avoid turning the Brooklyn-based artist and Christian into a poster boy?
Prayers at the Museum of Modern Art
Plaster sinks and other strange artifacts are altars to an unknown god.
Why Bankrupt Detroit Needs Art More than Ever
Seeing God’s design in blighted neighborhoods.
Where Are All the Good Stories about Marriage?
And how Christians in the arts can bring them back.
Can Worship Leaders and Musicians Resist the Temptation to 'Perform'?
Three views on how to keep church services from becoming like American Idol.
A Word Can Be Worth a Thousand Pictures
Why the pulpit—and not the screen—still belongs at the center of our churches.
New Movies to Highlight Friendship Between Creators of Narnia and Middle Earth
As Hollywood works its way through dramatizing the fantasy novels, several hope to tell a more historical tale of real-world friendship.
Why Everything Looks Like Jesus
Images of Jesus are everywhere, under 45 tons of rubble and on pieces of toast. New research tells why.
Christianity Makes No Sense
And yet, I believe. Loving our creative God, embracing our paradoxical faith.
Why Artists Belong in the Church Nursery
Good things happen when the bearded arts guy takes on the toddler room.
Our Love-Hate Relationship With Christian Art
Despite our faith's rich artistic history, we wrongly trash-talk Christian works.
Jason Harrod: Singing Between Doubt and Belief for 20 Years
The folk singer-songwriter writes about faith after the 'mountaintop experiences.'
A Christian Covers the World's Longest Cocktail Party
An interview with Kelly Crow, who has reported on the contemporary art world for 'The Wall Street Journal' since 2006.
Piecing Together Peace Amid Chicago's Youth Violence
Why muralist Carolyn Elaine returned to her embattled alma mater.
A Long Obedience in the Same Downtown
The local, highly ordinary gospel witness of Zoe Livable Church.
Is Crucifixion Art the Victim of Its Own Success?
Images of Jesus on the cross no longer command auction prices.
How One Artist Turns Skid Row into Sacred Streets
An interview with Los Angeles's Jason Leith about his new installation that features portraits of the homeless.
The Art of Art Collecting
Christy Tennant Krispin's show "Close to Home" aimed to take the elitism out of arts patronage.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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