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Wake-up Call
If September 11 was a divine warning, it's God's people who are being warned
Readying for Takeoff
According to airport chaplain, travelers don't take flying for granted after September 11.
Remembrance of Terrorist Attack Victims Marks Russian Orthodox Shift
Services commemorate the dead on the 40th day after their death.
Where Was God on 9/11?
Reflections from Ground Zero and beyond.
"Beamer's Faith, Competitive Streak Set Scene for Flight 93 Heroism"
Friends say Wheaton grad's determination made him a hero
Day of Terror, Day of Grace
In the wake of fatal attacks killing thousands, Christians steer America toward prayer, service, and reconciliation.
Shock Waves Tear Through a Shock-Value Industry
How can we think of movies at a time like this?
Volunteers Bring Glad Tidings to Ground Zero
Church located 2.5 miles from World Trade Center feels God has used [us] because of where we are.
"Where I Minister, Grace Abounds Over Sin"
"At Ground Zero, a New York pastor strives to be a symbol that God is present and available."
Judgment Day
God promised that calamity would follow disobedience. So why are we quick to dismiss it as a reason for the September 11 attacks?
Prayer After 9.11.01
"The author of The Prayer of Jabez says now, more than ever, we need to seek God's power."
Megiddo and Other Make-Believe Disasters
September 11 has spoiled America's appetite for on-screen destruction
"Nation's Religious Leaders Urge Calm, Pray for Peace"
Churches will maintain prayer vigils for victims and leaders
Church Leaders Around World Deplore 'Unspeakable Horror' of Attack
Christians urged to unite in prayer as they unite in shock and denunciation.
Experts Say Spiritual Roots Will Aid in Coping With Catastrophe
"Pray and connect with others, advise nation's chaplains"
God's Message in the Language of Events
"In the face of evil, we must focus on keeping our hearts right"
Fear and Hate
"In times like this, as in all other times, Christians have a responsibility to love above all else."
In the Belly of the Beast
"Christians, calling terrorist attack satanically brilliant, minister at epicenter of World Trade disaster"
"Churches, Agencies Respond to Attacks"
"Leaders call for prayer, justice, and mercy"
Muslims Fear a Backlash
"No matter who is responsible, observers feel a reaction will still be present."

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Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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