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Against Abstinence
What a South Dakota State Library debate pitting Christianity Today against Planned Parenthood reveals about the sexual left.
As complicated as ABC
Condoms and abstinence can both play a role in AIDS prevention.
Scripture Saturation
To achieve holiness, believed the early monks, you must soak in the moral sense of the Word.
Bishop Before His Time
Samuel Ajayi Crowther's consecration as the first African Anglican bishop looked like a great leap forward for the church. But the talented ex-slave collided with the roadblock of racism
Solitary Refinement
Evangelical assumptions about singleness still need rethinking
Losing Our Promiscuity
The church has an unprecedented chance to reach a generation burned by commitment-free sex
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Recommended Resources
Antony and the Desert Fathers
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Christian History Interview - Discovering the Desert Paradox
What many found when they sought God in a seemingly God-forsaken landscape.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: From the Editors - Models or Kooks?
The questions that hover in the background of this issue are as pressing as ever.
The Best There Ever Was
Modern Christian hermits still look to him for inspiration, as did the entire Middle Ages, but today we hardly know him. What did the illiterate recluse, known as Antony of the Desert, do to earn such adulation?
The Life Changing "Life of Antony"
Athanasius's biography was not only a bestseller in its day, but a book that made people stop and think—and act.
Diet For a Large Soul
What monks meant by fasting, and what they ate when they didn't.
Alone in the Desert?
Why thousands of early Christians took up the monastic way.
Wordly Monk
Jerome was a disciplined ascetic who was on top of current affairs.
Spiritual Pragmatists
For the desert fathers, theology was not the study of God but the study of how to become like God.
St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity: Did You Know?
For a culture so reputedly bloodthirsty and 'barbarian,' the Celts were surpringsly winsome.
Ascetic Superstars
Irish monks and nuns are famous for their spiritual heroics.
Patrick and Celtic Christianity: A Gallery of Extravagant Tales of Remarkable Faith
The legendary exploits of four early Celtic leaders.
Orthodoxy Wasn't Always Good Enough
The two most widespread medieval heresies
The Lost Sex Study
If we make a god of sexuality, that god will fail in ways that affect the whole person and perhaps the whole society.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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