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Election Is for Everyone
However we interpret the controversial doctrine, it's clear that salvation is never a human achievement.
Timothy George on the Reformers' Postmodern Moment
The historical theologian says Luther and Calvin show us how to read the Bible for the sake of the church.
Reforming the Reformed
Calvinists, says one Calvinist, misunderstand some of their history and theology. A review of 'Ten Myths About Calvinism.'
Living God's Ongoing Story
N.T. Wright says character matters, but thinks the Reformers disagreed.
The Lost Art Of Catechesis
It's a tried and true way of teaching, among other things, Christian doctrine.
Marilynne Robinson, Narrative Calvinist
John Calvin has given the Pulitzer Prize-winning author a way of seeing that imbues her novels with the grandeur of God.
Past, Present, Future
Why we love Christian history.
A Common Hope
Much of 'Calvinism' is simply Christianity
Theologian of the Spirit
Calvin was no charismatic, but he was closer to it than some Reformed people readily admit.
Man of the Bible
When it comes to careful exegesis and consistent theological systems, Calvin set the bar high.
Calvin's Biggest Mistake
Why he assented to the execution of Michael Servetus.
The Reluctant Reformer
Calvin would have preferred the library carrel to the pulpit.
John Calvin: Comeback Kid
Why the 500-year-old Reformer retains an enthusiastic following today.
John Calvin and the Princess
Renée of Ferrara sheltered Protestant refugees, wrote bold letters to Calvin and other reformers, and courted the wrath of her own family. But restrictions on women's roles prevented her from having a wider influence.
God's Hymnbook
John Calvin wanted the church to learn to sing again—as long as the words and melody pointed the heart towards God.
My Top 5 Books on Calvin
Calvin: Man for the Mainline
Reformer's 500th birthday draws out diverse cast of admirers.
Even at 500, Calvin Inspires Today's Reformers
Historian Charles Hambrick-Stowe appeals to Calvin for UCC reform.
Man of His Time for All Times
W. Robert Godfrey paints popular portrait of Calvin as pilgrim and pastor.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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