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A Violent, Vicious Cycle
Who will deliver us from despair and death?
Reforming a Girls' Reformatory
A Kansas facility's shuttering reveals the successes and pitfalls of 19th-century moral reform.
The Risks of Not Reporting Abuse
State laws pose liability concerns for pastors.
All God's Children
'All God's Children' recalls the travails of a West Africa boarding school.
Gary Haugen: God's Plan for Justice
Being the "light of the world," Christians are God's plan for social justice - a plan that carries with it both duty and privilege.
Pivoting Toward the Faraway Neighbor
Gary Haugen says rescuing the oppressed is within our reach.
When a Pastor Becomes a Predator
How would you respond to sexual misconduct at church?
Sexual Misconduct at Church
Joining the Resistance
It took seeing seven-year-old prostitutes to jolt me out of my apathy.
Sexual Abuse Issues in the Church; Raising the Bar
In recent years, our society has begun to better understand the widespread problem of child sexual abuse.
Playing It Safe
How one children's ministry director goes to bat for protecting kids.
Calling on the Saints
It was the body of Christ that picked up the pieces after a rape left me in shambles.
$300K Settlement
Mars Hill Graduate School sued for sexual discrimination.
Episcopal Bishops in Pa. Suspended, Warned
Philadelphia's liberal bishop accused of protecting abuser; Pittsburgh's conservative bishop warned against abandonment as diocese changes constitution.
Group Wants to Add Pimping to Anti-Trafficking Bill
But some say not all prostitutes are victims.
What God Has Joined
What does the Bible really teach about divorce?
Juanita Bynum 'Battered' by Bishop-Husband Outside Hotel
Plus: Graham recovering after treatment, Catholic-Protestant tensions get political in La., and other stories from online sources around the world.
Leader's Insight: Shepherding the Sexually Abused
How the pain of childhood abuse affects pastoral relationships.
Pastors Off the Hook in Sex Cases
Earl Paulk case dropped, Lonnie Latham not guilty, Md. pastor gets mistrial. Plus: Calling Akinola out on Nigeria's anti-gay law, W&M's cross returns, Jars of Clay's un-Dixie Chicks moment, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Sex Isn't Work

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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