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Riding the Pope's Coattails
Protestants hope to share in the benefits of Turkey trip.
Liberty and Justice for the Small
Gregory Sisk's research finds that courts treat fringe religious groups better than Catholics and Baptists.
War on the Weak
Eugenics has made a lethal comeback.
A Higher Amendment
Protect religious freedom by exercising it responsibly. A Christianity Today editorial.
Kramer's Sins—and Ours
What society and the church can learn from comedian Michael Richards's racial tirade.
Looking for God in Russia: Finding Jesus in Orthodox Robes and Evangelical Jeans
Despite increasing repression, the life of Christ emerges in surprising ways.
Cross Dress
British airline sends employee home for wearing crucifix.
Marginalized Again
Evangelicals protest mandatory Christian curriculum in Israel.
Malay Melee
Christian woman's case may determine whether Malaysians can leave Islam.
Public Grievance
Calvin Seminary's first female professor alleges sex discrimination.
Train Wreck Coming
Why homosexual marriage threatens free expression of religion.
One 'Major Step'
Saudi Arabia's promise to curb abuses raises cautious hope.
Indonesia's Death Quota
Advocates question motive for executing Christians.
China's New Legal Eagles
Evangelical lawyers spur civil rights movement forward.
Playing Favorites
Court affirms that Daystar bid should have won TV station.
Pharmacists with No Plan B
Freedom of conscience and 'reproductive rights' clash at the local drugstore.
The Noesen Saga
Counting the cost of refusing a prescription.
Leveling the Investment Field
Why has it been so hard for organizations to treat Israel like any other state?
Equal Pay for Women?
The stubborn Brits who run Wimbledon refuse to pay the female tennis players as much as the men. Good for them.
Belgrade Curve
Evangelicals fear greater power of state, Orthodox church.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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