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Third Episcopal Diocese Votes to Secede
Quincy diocese in Illinois is the latest; Fort Worth is expected to be next.
The Comeback Bishop
Ousted conservative Bob Duncan sees a new center emerging in the Christian West.
Defending the Faith
Conservatives face huge obstacles in putting Anglicanism back together.
Marching to Zion
The origin of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is a story of slow, steady separation.
Virginia Judge Sides with Breakaway Episcopal Churches
Decision confirms April ruling in favor of Falls Church et al., saying the 1867 law that would allow them to retain property is constitutional.
Reclaiming Orthodoxy
1000 conservative evangelicals gather in Jerusalem to reclaim Anglicanism. An interview with Sydney Archbishop Peter Jensen.
Denominations Join Episcopalian Diocese in Fight Over Church Property
Judge says Methodists, Worldwide Church of God, and others can participate in oral arguments.
Big Win for Va.'s Breakaway Anglican Parishes in Property Fight
Judge rules that 1867 law on church divisions applies in battle with Episcopal Church, diocese.
Stations of the Cross — Without the Cross
Episcopalian liturgy for Stations of the Millennium Development Goals truncates the gospel, critics say.
Episcopal Headquarters Takes Steps to Remove Conservative Bishops
One has led a diocese out of the national Anglican body, two others are preparing to go.
'Federation' Charts New Frontier
Orthodox Anglicans take first step in creating their own U.S. church body.
Episcopal Bishops in Pa. Suspended, Warned
Philadelphia's liberal bishop accused of protecting abuser; Pittsburgh's conservative bishop warned against abandonment as diocese changes constitution.
Bowing to Kigali
Importing orthodoxy—and cultural baggage.
'No Ultimatum' for Episcopalians, Says Anglican Head
Plus: IRS won't ding All Saints but says anti-war speech was illegal, Newsweek on wooing evangelical voters, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Episcopalians Head to High-Stakes Meeting
The years-long strife in the Anglican Communion could reach a breaking point next week in New Orleans.
Anglicans Turn Inside Out
Episcopal renewal group's new strategy divides conservatives.
Rwandan Politics Intrudes on American Church
Archbishop told Anglican congregation to cancel talk by Hotel Rwanda subject Paul Rusesabagina.
Priest Must Decide Between Episcopal Priesthood and Islam
Also: Did God smite Evan Almighty? Should police make arrests during church services? And other stories from online sources around the world.
Jingo Jangle
Christian tribalism is a renunciation of God's kingdom.
Ready to Walk Apart?
Episcopal bishops reject oversight from "distant" prelates.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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