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The Limping, Unceasingly Praying Brother Lawrence
How a 17th-century cook and sandalmaker still helps us practice the presence of God
What are you for?
Reveling in the Mystery
Sometimes in order to see God, we have to learn to not know him.
Matter Matters
Lessons learned between the couch and a 10k race.
The Great Evangelical Anxiety
Why change is not our most important product.
The Scandal of the Public Evangelical
What we really have to offer the world.
Not an Academic Question
Pastors tell how the justification debate has changed their ministry.
The Justification Debate: A Primer
Two of the world's most prominent pastor-theologians on justification—and what difference it makes.
Spiritual Formation Agenda
Three priorities for the next 30 years.
Worshiping with Creeping Things
Why the grocery store is a holy place.
Brother Lawrence
Practitioner of God's presence
William Law
Champion of the serious, devout, and holy life
Francis of Assisi
Mystical founder of the Franciscans
The 30-Day Leviticus Challenge
One church's experiment in living the most arcane book of the Bible.
The Poverty of Love
The desert fathers and mothers would know instantly why our gospel is too small.
Dulling the Body, Buffing the Soul
Gertrude the Great suggests an inverse relationship between comfort and holiness in the meaty devotional, A Little Daily Wisdom: Christian Women Mystics.
Carbonated Holiness
Laughter is serious business.
Heaven Is Not Our Home
The bodily resurrection is the good news of the gospel—and thus our social and political mandate.

Top Story June 11, 2024

Yes, Charisma Has a Place in the Pulpit
Yes, Charisma Has a Place in the Pulpit
But let’s not mistake it for calling.

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