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The Jesus We'll Never Know
Why scholarly attempts to discover the 'real' Jesus have failed. And why that's a good thing.
A Crescendo of Wonder
Why Good Friday services are not designed to be funerals for Jesus or exercises in guilt.
More Important Than Christmas?
Why pro-life Protestants don't say much about the Annunciation—or the unborn Jesus.
The Resurrection Changes Everything
'Raised With Christ' highlights the neglected central event of our faith.
'Jesus Was a Rebel'
Okay, he was. What's your point?
There's Power in the Blood
On the heels of the Twilight Saga's success, Christian novelists are tapping the riches of vampire mythology.
Lent—Why Bother?
Three authors weigh the merits of observing Lent.
Jesus and the Unclean Woman
How a story in Mark's gospel sheds light on the problem of obstetric fistula.
The Dusty Messiah
Why I no longer believe in a spiritual Jesus.
How to Have a Merry Christmas
And it doesn't require you doing another blessed thing.
Who Was Jesus’ Grandfather?
What the two genealogies of Christ, found in Matthew and Luke, are really trying to say.
Our Divine Distortion
We can't see God clearly without Jesus. O come, Emmanuel.
Still the Way, the Truth, and the Life
More people than ever doubt that anyone has a corner on truth. So why do Christians keep insisting on the incomparable uniqueness of Christ?
'All Israel Will Be Saved'
God's 'first love' awaits Jesus' second advent.
Christ-Centered Cautions
How do we be good, be disciplined, and be like Jesus?
Donald Miller: Make a Better Narrative
The author of Blue Like Jazz on his new book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, and the risks of over-spiritualizing it.
Matter Matters
Lessons learned between the couch and a 10k race.
Surveying the Wondrous Cross
Understanding the Atonement is about more than grasping a theory.
Jesus and the Terminator
Biblical allusions run throughout the series.
Obama Uses Sermon on the Mount to Elevate Speeches
The president has used the mountainside sermon several times in recent years to explain policy.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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