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Three Megachurch Pastors Resign over Adultery in Orlando
(UPDATED) Discovery Church elders believe David Loveless 'can be restored to ... productive Christian service,' but not as their pastor.
Let Pastors' Wives Do Their Own Thing
And please ignore the ones on reality TV.
Is Megachurch Worship Addictive?
Scholars, including the coauthor of the recent study alleging that it creates a "high," weigh in.
The Kingdom in Columbus
Why the world's largest Vineyard church is drawing people from 104 nations in central Ohio.
Missional Church Mergers
New report: More congregational combinations driven by mission, not survival.
Willow Creek Splits with Exodus International
Decision is among a series of departures for ex-gay organization.
Multi-Site Churches Go Interstate
Megachurches expand across state lines.
Contemporary Music: The Cultural Medium and the Christian Message
What kind of Christians do contemporary services produce?
Learning to Count to One
New math for those addicted to getting higher and higher in their churches.
'Chilling Verdict'
Churches re-assess risk management policies.
Cracks in the Crystal Cathedral
Why we are better off letting God make the gospel relevant.
An Evangelical Lament
A seasoned journalist looks at the movement and sighs. A review of A Lover's Quarrel.
The Art of Cyber Church
Joel Hunter is known by many as part of President Obama's inner circle of pastors. Fewer know him as one of America's most innovative church planters.
Seminary Plants
Megachurch pastors offer ministry training based in the local church.
Megachurches are not the answer or the problem.
The Workers Are Few
Gap exists between what large churches need and what seminaries produce.
Q&A: Louie Giglio
The Passion Conference founder talks about his overseas tour and the new church he has started with Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin.
Big Church Revival
Christian gyms and shopping malls may be new, but full-service megachurches are positively medieval.
If they figured out a way to meet, Bill Hybels and fourth-century preaching star John Chrysostom would have a lot to talk about.
Willow Creek's 'Huge Shift'
Influential megachurch moves away from seeker-sensitive services.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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