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Obama Expands Faith-Based Office
The President maintains Bush's hiring policy and shapes specific priorities for the office.
Michael Gerson: Obama's Speech Rhetorically Flat, but Ideologically Interesting
A former presidential speechwriter examines President Obama's inaugural address.
Joel Hunter Leads Blessing for Obama
Evangelical megachurch pastor reflects on the inauguration and gives a few predictions.
Inaugural Prayers of Hope and Tears
What John Piper, Charles Colson, Mark Driscoll, and others are saying about the Obama inauguration and its invocations.
Battle Fatigue
Abortion opponents head into Obama presidency after big losses.
Franklin Graham: What's the Fuss About?
The evangelist who once prayed at an inauguration offers his take of Obama-Warren inauguration controversy.
Why Obama May Be Good News for Christian Higher Education
College administrators and observers say Bush administration tinkered too much. But some worry that new antidiscrimination laws loom.
Q&A: What Obama's Election Means for the Segregated Church
Michael O. Emerson on why black and white evangelicals can't believe the other voted as they did.
Catholic Bishops Warn Obama Against Expanded Abortion Rights
Freedom of Choice Act would coerce Americans and limit freedoms, they warn.
Joel Hunter Prays with Obama
Evangelical pastor believes the new president-elect will have a listening ear.
Election Honeymoon
Will evangelicals learn to work with an Obama administration?
A Pilgrim's Progress
A seasoned biographer examines Barack Obama's spiritual journey and priorities.
Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
Will It Be Bayh?
Why choosing the Indiana senator as a running mate could help Obama with religious conservatives.
Reading the Bible with Obama
The presidential candidate crosses swords with Dr. Dobson over hermeneutics.
Multiplying Fractions
How many evangelical votes are really in play?
From Blessing to Burden
Candidates are scrutinized ever more closely for their spiritual associations.
Jeremiah Wright, Evangelicals' Brother in Christ
Go ahead and disagree with Obama's pastor. But remember: He's family.
Compassion Forum Clings to Religion
Obama and Clinton face more questions on beliefs, personal piety at Messiah College event.
Presidential Clones
All three candidates have voted to fund embryonic stem-cell research.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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