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The story of 'Judgment Days' is a triumph and a tragedy.
God's Will in the Public Square
Democratic Senator Barack Obama gets it mostly right.
Faith-Based Lack of Initiative
Plus: More hard data on what evangelicals really believe, William Martin on T. D. Jakes, criminal religious TV, Jackie Mason doesn't find Jews for Jesus funny, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Evangelical Leaders, Bush at Odds Over North Korea
Franklin Graham opposes sanctions, Land and Cizik encourage broader focus from White House.
Barack Obama on Religion in the Public Square
Plus: Billy Graham to preach in Baltimore, Rick Warren one of Newsweek
The Scripture-Engaging Lincoln
A new biography is one of the best.
Should Evangelicals Support Bush's Foreign Policy if He Can't Guarantee Religious Freedom?
Case of Afghan convert causes some to question democracy push in the Middle East.
Was George Washington a Christian?
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
The State of the Human
President Bush sets out a vital agenda for ethics.
Disappointed but Holding
While overall support for George W. Bush has plummeted, evangelicals remain surprisingly loyal.
Silence on Suffering
Where are the voices from the Christian community on cruel and degrading treatment of detainees?
Not All Evangelicals Voted for Bush. That's News?
The controversy at Calvin looked nothing like it played in the media.
Bush Commissions Calvin Grads to Serve
Pre-visit controversy gives way to cheers at commencement.
Bush Visit to Calvin College Exposes Divisions
Commencement address invigorates debates about the Reformed relationship to American politics and evangelicalism.
Pope's Funeral Spotlights Kinship Between Catholics and Evangelicals
Once antagonistic communities are now on the same side of several cultural issues.
Faith-based, Results-focused
Jim Towey says Bush will push hard for compassion initiative in second term.
The Politics of Prayer
The Presidential Prayer Team prays for Bush, Iraq, and more voters.
The Religious Reagan
Spiritual influences on the president's life were strong and varied.
Purging the Faith from 'Faith-Based'
The first detailed history of President Bush's initiative to help the poor.
Remembering Ronald Reagan
What Billy Graham, Jim Dobson, Pope John Paul II, and others are saying about the death of the former president—and what he said about evangelicals.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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