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Paid Content for Christian Standard Bible
Depression Drowns Our Hope but Points Us to Truth
Here, we feel the full weight of the loss.
How J. P. Moreland Presented His Anxious Mind to God
The apologist opens up about his battles with mental illness.
The Most Wonderfully Painful Time of the Year
Christmas reminds us that faith in the future does not erase our pain in the present.
David Foster Wallace Broke My Heart
Ten years after his suicide, I marvel at his genius but mourn the crushing burdens he carried.
With Rising Teen Suicides, the Church Cannot Afford Mixed Messages on Mental Health
How ministries can play a role in getting youth the support they need.
A Punk Rock Rebel Returns to Church
I was parked between “spiritual but not religious” and “New Age dilettante” when depression threw me into God’s arms.
Is Your Church Healthy for People with Mental Illness?
3 ways your congregation can embrace those with mental disorders.
How Churches Can Partner with Outside Counselors
It’s about supplementing, not replacing, pastoral care.
Jesus Didn’t Wake Up this Morning Depressed By the Size of Your Church
Mondays can be tough for pastors of struggling churches. But Christ is with you. And he has good news.
In the Valley of Postpartum Depression
Why is it so hard for Christian women to seek help?
What I Needed From the Church During My Depression
3 ways our communities can support mental health.
4 Steps to a Friendlier Church (The G.I.F.T. Plan)
Genuine friendships are becoming more rare – and thus, of greater perceived value – than any other aspect of modern church life.
Why an Unfriendly Small Church Is Worse than an Unfriendly Big Church
Walking into a small church for the first time can be an act of great vulnerability.
The CallingEpisode 10|48min
Joe Thorn's Weakness Is His Pastoral Strength
After years of struggling with anxiety, he's learned to let his frailty show.
Living with Bipolar Disorder
Christian women talk about their challenges.
I’m a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women’s Bathrooms
Our zealous policing of gender norms can have unintended and hurtful consequences.
My Depression Is Not Wasted
What Gillian Marchenko learned when mental illness mixed with ministry
Christian Counseling in Limbo
Allegations against Mercy Multiplied reveal the range of faith-based approaches to mental health.
Pastoring Shouldn't Be this Hard (With 4 Steps to Make It Easier)
Our obsession with numerical growth may be the unseen culprit behind a lot of burnt out pastors and unhealthy churches.
Messages from the Edge: Suicide Notes on Social Media
How Facebook turns the left-behind into horrified witnesses.

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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