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The Best Books to Read for Lent (That You Won't Find in a Christian Bookstore)
Ten examples of literature and poetry that nurture and confront the soul.
Lent in the Shadow of Cancer
Three writers reflect on breast cancer, bodies, and resurrection hope.
The Lord Is My Shepherd or Predator?
Many people today find the famous psalm troubling. But we need it now more than ever.
A Life Well-Ordered
Remembering my late pastor and refocusing on my priorities.
How Dante's Poetry Rescued Rod Dreher from Despair
The popular blogger leaned on 'The Divine Comedy' when his world was falling apart.
A Jar of Buttons
‘from the floor of the Sea of Mending’
Mariana Trench
‘Deepest place / on the planet’
When Eternity Played by the Calendar
A Christmas prayer
Have Yourself a Merry Kitschy Christmas
What weird Nativity sets get right about the story of Jesus.
The Best Books to Read This Christmas (That You Won't Find in a Christian Bookstore)
Sarah Arthur recommends 10 under-the-radar titles.
Which is to say, rejoice!
Fall’s Barbarous Beauty
From summer to school to the Savior via Gerard Manely Hopkins.
The Dead White Poet You Need in Your Life
Why 17th-century poet George Herbert is making a comeback.
Poetry of the Penitent Heart
The groundbreaking writer Anne Vaughan Lock worshipped with her pen.
How I Make Sense of My Life
How do you make sense of both pain and beauty?
When Heaven and Earth Meet--Experiencing a Thin Place
When was the last time you experienced a thin place, a place where heaven and earth seemed to touch, if only for an instant?
Let there be Yes: A Poem and Giveaway by Sarah Dunning Park
Poet and mother Sarah Dunning Park shares a poem and some thoughts about saying no, and saying yes, to our kids.
Easter Wings
The classic poem tells—and shows—how Christ's resurrection lifts us into flight.
Have We Forgotten the Power of Poetry?
While Afghan women risk their lives for verse, we ignore it.
Exclusive: Christian Wiman Discusses Faith as He Leaves World's Top Poetry Magazine
Wiman's Baptist faith lay dormant until love and cancer unearthed it.

Top Story April 30, 2024

Luci Shaw Wants to Open the Windows
Luci Shaw Wants to Open the Windows
In Reversing Entropy, the 95-year-old poet looks lovingly at creation.

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