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Strengthening Small Churches
This Training Theme looks honestly and biblically at the important roles of small churches and provides ways to lead in the midst of the unique dynamics that shape them.
Ministry in the Present Tense
Unshackle yourself from the tyranny of the past and future.
Sometimes, God Wants You to Go with Your Gut
Our intuitions aren’t infallible. That doesn’t mean we should ignore them.
Actually, God Is Doing an Old Thing
In an age of authenticity, we don’t need new words from God so much as we need to repeat what he’s already said.
Conversation Is Hospitality—Even on Social Media
Remote disagreements and lasting fellowship can come together, as Paul demonstrated.
Come, Lord Jesus—But Not Too Soon
Why it's hard to be heavenly minded.
Losing the Center (Part 2)
When personal experience becomes the foundation of your sermon.
Eat, Drink, and Be Hungry
It's emptiness, not fullness, that Jesus blesses.
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