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The Invisible Scandal: How Bad Debt And Poor Stewardship Are Killing The Church's Reputation
People want to give. God wants to provide. Our churches need to be places worthy of those gifts and that provision.
The Biggest Misunderstanding About Small Church Pastors
We don't have a limited vision. Our best contributions to Christ’s kingdom happen to be in a smaller setting.
Why “Finishing Well” Can Never Be Our Main Reason To Behave Morally
We need to behave morally not so we can keep our reputations intact, but because hurting other people is wrong. Always wrong.
Forget The Extras – Your Church Needs To Get The Basics Right
Your church might not have the budget or the staff to do the extras, but that’s okay. You can do what matters.
More Is Only Good When It’s A Byproduct Of Better
We don’t need bigger churches. We need better churches. Then we need more of them.
What Will I Preach This Sunday?! 6 Tools for Overcoming Preacher’s Block
Simple steps to help you prepare better, preach stronger and have a greater impact.
In Defense Of Longer (And Better) Sermons
How long should a sermon be? As long as it needs to be.
Effective Small Church Metrics: Why Average Results Aren’t Typical Results
Statistics, surveys and comparative metrics are not as helpful in assessing small church health as they are in assessing big church health.
The Most Successful Pastor You’ve Never Heard Of
No matter what you think success in ministry looks like, this pastor is the real deal.
Is Your Church Evangelizing Or Just Advertising? 4 Reasons It Matters
Evangelism isn’t about sales, it’s about relationship. It’s not about filling a building with people, it’s about filling people with Jesus.
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