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Missional Bricks and Mortar
Can a church be truly missional and own a building?
Ur Video: Eddie Gibbs & Mike Breen on Post-Christendom
Two Brits discuss mission in a post-Christian culture.
Scot McKnight: Self in a Castle
How modernity and postmodernity have conspired to warp the current generation.
Catalyst Day Two: Spectacle and Restoration
Reflections from Atlanta and Gabe Lyons.
Explainer: Postmodernism
Is it more than "truth is relative"?
Explainer: The Emerging Church
Some common characteristics of this "conversation."
Together, Without God
New atheist communities look a lot like church.
Digging For Truth
Josh McDowell on the Bible's truthworthiness, the internet, and the future of the church
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