Our holiday feature is a forum in which leading spokesmen answer a question of absorbing current interest: Is there a Santa Claus?
Professor Grundgelehrt writes:
Your question, unfortunately, is framed in speculative, ontological terms. I prefer to leave abstract metaphysics to the middle ages and to ask with contemporary, existential passion, have we encountered the Santa-event? The rich and diverse tradition of Santa Claus in its world-wide spread is a proper subject for historical and phenomenological investigation, but the real Santa occurrence to which its points lies beyond history in Northpolar Time, where all the relative longitudes of Greenwich time meet and are transcended. The descent of Santa down the chimney symbolizes the vertical relation of Polar Time (Schlittengeschichte) to standard time. As you participate in the stocking-hanging ceremony you await the Santa encounter in which he again becomes profoundly true.
Dr. Eugene Ivy says:
Of course there is a Santa Claus. Can you look into the sparkling upturned eyes of your little child as you hang up her stocking and not believe in Santa Claus? Santa is there, for there is real Santa faith. Scholars disagree about the historicity of Nicholas of Patara. Personally I believe he lived in Lycia in Asia Minor during the early fourth century, as tradition asserts. I am also willing to accept him as the patron saint of children, merchants, and thieves. The first of these roles is rarely questioned and the last two are increasingly vindicated in the Santalands of our great stores. But even if it could be shown that the Nicholas of history was unacquainted with reindeer, my faith in Santa Claus would be undisturbed. Aren’t my children’s stockings full on Christmas morning?
Senator B. B. Fuddle:
Yes, Santa Claus exists as the great unitive symbol of our age. Americans may be divided by creedal clauses, but they are united by Santa Clauses. Certainly Santa has an important place in our working faith, the American Way of Life. It is un-American to be anti-Santa. Fight dis-santagration!
The article by C. Stanley Lowell (“If the U. S. Becomes 51% Catholic,” Oct. 27 issue) is a prize. This and similar articles that have appeared are a magnificent contribution to alerting our people concerning a dangerous evil. So many of our Protestant people seem afraid to face the facts and to champion our religious liberties.
Columbus Area Council of Churches
Columbus, Ohio
I feel that this is one of the most biased, emotional and unfactual articles on this subject that I have ever read. It is full of error.… If one will compare Roman Catholicism in Spain with that in the United States he must also compare American democracy and the philosophy that it has given to Americans with the philosophy of Franco in Spain to see how impossible it is for one state of mind to exist in the other country.… Negative articles such as this do nothing but help to draw our Protestant theology into a shell.
Quincy Point Congregational Church
Quincy, Mass.
If such facts as are pointed out in this article do not awake the Protestant population of America to evangelistic zeal and activity, the land for which our fathers died will go by default to that church from which we have sought to be a free nation under God.
Hunterdale Union Church
Franklin, Va.
When Roman Catholics can dictate the prescriptions for non-Catholics in a New York hospital, when they can persecute Protestants in … (Columbia), all with little resistance, then either we’d better prepare our childreen to live by the infallible decisions of the pope, or come to grips with the situation.
Berkeley, Calif.
The article … has disquieted me. I sincerely hope it had the same effect on everyone else who read it.
Evangelical United Brethren
Bloomsburg, Pa.
May we have more articles of this nature to awake America.
Salem Lutheran Church
Montevideo, Minn.
Should … be placed in the hand of every Protestant in the United States. Is this article available in pamphlet form? Evangel Temple
Colorado Springs, Colo.
• Reprints are available at cost from Protestants and Other Americans United, 1633 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington 6, D. C.—ED.
Timely … in the light of the election returns just in, according to which at least two of the greatest states … have elected Roman Catholic governors.…
Desert Highlands Bap.
Palmdale, Calif.
I don’t see how a Catholic that adheres to all doctrines of the Roman Catholic church could possibly take the oath to be a judge, juryman, legislative member or President of the U. S. To uphold the Constitution means the first ten amendments … too. Religious freedom for all.… Evidently they will use the amendments to gain their own purpose and then turn right around and deny these same rights to another person.
Greensboro, N. C.
Recently, a Roman Catholic priest in high standing, spoke at Smith College. One of my senior students asked him this question, “If the U.S. should become dominantly Catholic, so that our government, our schools, our press, and our radio, and T. V. were under the control of the Roman church, would we still have freedom?” His reply was that there wouldn’t be much change; the U.S. would simply become like Spain.
Springfield College
Springfield, Mass.
Two American cardinals, Spellman and McIntyre, presumably voted for the head of a foreign state the other day. One supposes they hope to remain citizens, yet may they do so legally? We have a law, Section 1418 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which states that a citizen “shall lose his nationality by … voting in a political election in a foreign state or participating in an election or plebiscite to determine the sovereignty over foreign territory.”
It is the position of the Roman Catholic Church itself that the pope is head of the Vatican city state as well as of the church. That is the basis on which many of the world’s leading governments send ambassadors or ministers to the Vatican city state. That is the basis on which $1,000,000 was claimed from our tax monies a year or so ago to repair the pope’s summer home which had been damaged during World War II. Cardinal Spellman himself has said: “The Holy Father is not alone the Supreme Head of the Catholic church. He is also the head of a sovereign state.” By canon law the pope exercises complete sovereignty over the Vatican city state—the executive, the legislative, and the judicial.
Not just since 1952 have we had a law forbidding a citizen to vote in a political election of a foreign state. Since 1940 we have actually had such a law, and since that time American courts have deprived many Americans of citizenship for its violation. The last pope was elected in 1939, which means that this is the first time the problem of the official illegality has arisen.
Our State Department has been contacted regarding this recent voting, and it has said that the fact that the pope is the political head of a foreign state is incidental to his position as the head of a church. If it is incidental that he is head of a state, why have we considered that state so important as to have sent it an official representative? The law itself does not make any exceptions. Why doesn’t young John Kennedy get on the ball? He might get an exception made for such distinguished persons as cardinals.
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Kansas City, Mo.
Our … Baptist paper New Aurora … published an … article (May, 1910) concerning an episode … in Rome between [Theodore] Roosevelt and the Vatican when he returned from his hunting trip in Africa.… Before Roosevelt reached the Eternal City, the American ambassador in Rome had made arrangements for him to visit King Victor Emmanuel II, the pope, and the American Methodist Church, whose pastor was the Rev. Dr. Walter Lowrie.… The secretary of the pope … Spanish Cardinal Merry Del Val, … informed the American ambassador that Roosevelt could have an interview with the pope on condition that he would not go to the Methodist Church. At this news Roosevelt became very indignant at the audacity and intransigence of the pope and his secretary. A dispatch was immediately sent … to cancel the appointment with the pope, as an American freeborn citizen would not submit to such a humiliating condition. So he went to see the King, visited the American Methodist Church but not the pope.… The identical thing had happened a few weeks before with … Charles Warren Fairbanks … ex-vice president.… Now how about the later Roosevelt whose flirtation with the pope is well-known.…
Oh Teddy Roosevelt! Arise from your grave and warn the unprincipled politicians of Washington and elsewhere not to play with the Vatican whose insatiable hunger and thirst for political power, wealth and dominion over the affairs of our beloved country are never satisfied.
West Sand Lake, N. Y.
In practice they … deny [Jesus’] lordship for tradition …, which gives them … full reign over fearful believers.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
I’m as afraid of them as of the communists, even more so because I believe that Russia is to be defeated before the tribulation but that antichrist will come from the church.
Rapid City, S. D.
I am a Catholic.… The church forbids us to read the Bible. They claim that we cannot understand it, … but eight or nine years ago I bought it and I found that what they teach us is the contrary of what the Bible teaches. I came to the conclusion that they do not want us to read it because they don’t want us to find the truth.… I have come to the conclusion that the Catholic church “is not the true church” … If they were real Christians they wouldn’t encourage the hate to the non-Catholics as they do.
Jesus Christ … was not carried in a throne.… [He] came to teach … humility.
St. Paul, Minn.
You are to be congratulated upon the placement of two significant articles, … “Protestant Strategy in California” and “If the U.S. Becomes 51% Catholic.” The virility and relevance of CHRISTIANITY TODAY will depend very largely on your courage and decision to clarify and state the basic facts and issues with which we are all confronted in this generation.
Gospel Light Publications
Glendale, Calif.
“Protestant Strategy in California” … starts … with an alleged quotation … of a Protestant minister, “If it will hurt the Catholics, I’m for it!” and states that it reflects the thinking of an impressive segment of California’s Protestant clergy.” After talking with Protestants … it is difficult for me to believe that more than a rabid few would give utterance to it.
… Roman church schools create and foster bigotry of the most evil kind, manifesting a thoroughly un-American spirit and endeavoring to build up a spirit of loyalty to the pope that will supercede all other loyalties. By joining with the Roman church in demanding tax-exemption for religious schools, other churches are giving aid to this build-up of loyalty to the pope.
Berkeley, Calif.
The Paul Peachey article, “Beyond Christian-Communist Strife” (Oct. 27 issue), is one of the most striking and distinctively evangelical articles you have published.
Yale University Divinity School
New Haven, Conn.
Just a note to commend you on the article “Christians and the Crisis of Race” and the editorial “Desegregation and Regeneration” (Sept. 29 issue).
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Paragould, Ark.
Let praise descend upon you for that forthright and dynamic editorial “Law and Reformation” (Oct. 27 issue) … To preach the law as the basis of the cross fits well into the appeal methods of Wesley, Moody, and Graham. But … are you sure you will not be branded by that horrid name “legalist” by certain elements of evangelicalism? The oft-repeated attempt to do away with the law by the grace of the cross, or of pitting grace against law surely has done much to create a situation of corruption which you picture so well.… Let converted Christians not ignore the law but keep it in their Christian liberty.… Let the law be enhanced by the cross.…
Sacramento, Calif.