Most Americans are surprised to learn that Canada is the largest country in the Western hemisphere (6.5 per cent larger than the United States) and, aside from Soviet Russia, the largest national territory in the world. Since 1967 is Canada’s centennial, CHRISTIANITY TODAY will devote its March 31 issue to our enterprising neighbor. This special issue will portray the religious situation in a land of 20 million inhabitants, assess the present situation in its churches, and propose programs of evangelical and evangelistic advance.
In recent months CHRISTIANITY TODAY has opened a branch editorial office in suburban Toronto at 1125 Leslie Street, Don Mills, Ontario, with J. Berkley Reynolds, minister in the United Church of Canada, as Canadian editorial representative.
From April 6 to 12, I shall be addressing audiences across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax on current theological trends.
Growing Canadian interest in CHRISTIANITY TODAY is evidenced by the fact that among new subscribers in recent months there were more than 500 Canadians. The special offer of a free copy of The New Testament in Four Versions with a one-year subscription at $5 is still open to new subscribers both in Canada and in the United States. Orders should be posted to 375 West Center Street, Marion, Ohio 43302.