June is always an extra-busy season for an editor, and it generally includes, as it does this year, baccalaureate and commencement addresses. Graduations remind us, amid the clamor of pressing problems, that life goes on. Babies are born, young people complete their education, marriages are contracted, jobs are filled, and the cycle of life repeats itself. And it will do so until time ends.
The Christian, a magazine in England, has ceased publication, and CHRISTIANITY TODAY will take over many of the unexpired subscriptions. We welcome these British readers to the family and trust they will find helpful material in our pages.
We are pleased to announce the coming of Donald George Tinder to our editorial staff at the beginning of July. Mr. Tinder is completing his work for the doctorate at Yale, where he has served as a teaching assistant in the college and the divinity school. He has an M.A. and a M.Phil. from Yale as well as a B.A.; in addition he holds a B.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary. His wife, the former Edith Johnson, has a Wheaton B.A. and a Yale Divinity School M.A. in religion.
Mr. Tinder was born in Florida, an only child; his parents live in Miami. He brings to our magazine family the richness of his Brethren background, a deep commitment to Jesus Christ, and a writing skill already demonstrated by published material.