How should Americans deal with the problems of American society: resignation? revolution? or reconciliation? This question engaged some 250 student leaders from the nation’s campuses at a recent three-day gathering in Washington, D. C.
The meeting, sponsored by the Washington-based National Student Leadership Seminar, a loosely organized student group, was the culmination of several smaller regional gatherings. The students met with other students and several government leaders to discuss problems of American society and how to confront them: resignation from reality, or revolution through destruction of the existing order. But program planners presented a third alternative: reconciliation through “the redeeming love of Christ operating through a new humanity which his love creates.”
Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, director of L’Abri Fellowship in Huemoz, Switzerland, set the tone in an address dealing with the international student revolt. Tracing the historical and philosophical background leading to current student frustration, he pointed to the need for reconciliation based on a different kind of revolution: a Christian revolution that avoids mere pious words or “contentless” religion. This revolution must be based on biblical Christianity, which alone is able to provide an adequate basis for reality, morals, law, and social action, he said.
The noted Christian author and theologian pointed out three paths for Christians: (1) They can be “co-belligerent” with those who oppose social wrongs, but they cannot ally themselves with those who operate from presuppositions opposing the Christian faith. (2) The Church must show that it takes seriously the content of the Christian faith by refusing to compromise with non-truth. (3) The Church must demonstrate the kind of community the rest of humanity works for but cannot achieve.RICHARD L. LOVE