Although the editors of CHRISTIANITY TODAY do not endorse the total content of each of these volumes, the authors write from a generally evangelical perspective.
BABBAGE, STUART BARTON, The Vacuum of Unbelief (Zondervan, 152 pp., $3.95). These non-technical essays on a variety of subjects examine the role and status of Christianity in the spiritual vacuum of modern culture.
BARKER, GLENN W., WILLIAM L. LANE, and J. RAMSEY MICHAELS, The New Testament Speaks (Harper & Row, 445 pp., $6.50). A scholarly study of the background, development, and content of the New Testament.
BERKOUWER, G. C., The Sacraments (Eerdmans, 304 pp., $7.50). In the tenth volume of his valuable “Studies in Dogmatics,” this outstanding Dutch theologian expounds and defends the Reformed teaching on the sacraments and evaluates other views.
BLAIKLOCK, E. M., editor, The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Atlas (Zondervan, 491 pp., $9.95). Following the chronology of biblical events, this valuable reference work sketches the cultural and geographical background of the Scriptures.
BROWN, COLIN, Philosophy and the Christian Faith (Inter-Varsity, 319 pp., paperback, $2.50). This bird’s-eye view of the history of philosophy down to the present day and of its relations with Christianity will prove very helpful to the layman.
BROWN, HAROLD O. J., The Protest of a Troubled Protestant (Arlington House, 282 pp., $5.95). A committed Christian scholar candidly examines the many weaknesses and problems besieging the Church.
BRUCE, F. F., New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes (Eerdmans, 122 pp. $3.95). Originally presented as the Payton Lectures at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1968, this exegetical study investigates the New Testament’s continuing use of several Old Testament themes.
CLOUSE, ROBERT, editor, Protest and Politics (Attic Press, 271 pp., $5.95). A provocative challenge to evangelicals to seize the opportunities of Christian citizenship in controversial areas.
ELLIOT, ELISABETH.Furnace of the Lord (Doubleday, 129 pp., $4.95). This personal account of the city of Jerusalem—its historic sites and the sufferings of its people—portrays people and cultures in conflict.
ELLISON, H. L., Prophets of Israel (Eerdmans, 176 pp., $4.50). Sketches the political and religious context in which the prophets to the northern tribes ministered, and applies their message to the problems of present-day society.
FREEMAN, HOBART E., Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets (Moody, 384 pp., $6.95). Investigates the nature of prophecy and surveys each prophetic book, discussing the prophet and his message as well as introductory matters.
HARRISON, R. K., Introduction to the Old Testament (Eerdmans, 1,325 pp., $12.50). This major introduction to the Old Testament, including a review of Old Testament studies and a supplement on the Apocrypha, is sure to be controversial and will demand the attention of evangelicals.
HENRY, CARL F. H., Faith at the Frontiers (Moody, 204 pp., $3.95). These addresses by the former editor of CHRISTIANITY TODAY demonstrate how evangelical thought can effectively confront the issues of contemporary society.
HOWARD, THOMAS, An Antique Drum: The World as Image (Lippincott, 157 pp., $5.95). The author of Christ the Tiger finds a “diagram of glory” in the humdrum experiences of life in a world that is “a dazzling pattern of images of the eternal.”
JEEVES, MALCOLM A., The Scientific Enterprise and the Christian Faith (Inter-Varsity, 165 pp., $4.50). This volume, based on ideas presented at a week-long conference of thirty-six scientists, emphasizes the harmonious relation between modern science and biblical Christian faith.
LINDSELL, HAROLD, When You Pray (Tyndale House, 182 pp., $3.95). In straightforward, understandable, and practical language the editor of CHRISTIANITY TODAY outlines the biblical principles on which to build an effective prayer life.
MAIER, PAUL, Pontius Pilate (Doubleday, 370 pp., $5.95). A historically accurate biographical novel that offers some interesting insights into the character of the Roman governor under whom Christ was crucified.
MIKOLASKI, SAMUEL J., editor, The Creative Theology of P. T. Forsyth (Eerdmans, 250 pp., $6.95). Selections from the writings of this great English theologian introduce the reader to his major themes and reflect his devotion to Jesus Christ.
MONTGOMERY, JOHN W., Where Is History Going? (Zondervan, 250 pp., $5.95). This stimulating critique of several current philosophies of history sees the case for Christianity as founded upon objective historical facts.
MORRIS, LEON, Studies in the Fourth Gospel (Eerdmans, 374 pp., $8.95). An outstanding evangelical New Testament scholar carefully investigates, in the light of the available evidence, some of the problems associated with John’s Gospel.
NASH, RONALD H., editor, Ideas of History (Dutton, two volumes, 291 and 369 pp., $8.95 each). This analysis of selections from the major philosophies of history from Augustine to Toynbee affirms Jesus Christ as the center of world history.
POLLOCK, JOHN, The Apostle: A Life of Paul (Doubleday, 224 pp., $4.95). This stimulating biography of one of the central figures of church history is based upon careful scholarship and accurately reflects the biblical sources.
REES, PAUL S., Don’t Sleep Through the Revolution (Word, 130 pp., $2.95). This compilation of stimulating editorials from World Vision Magazine is designed to arouse evangelicals out of indifference to the problems of our day.
SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS, Death in the City (Inter-Varsity, 143 pp., $1.95). Exposes the hunger of a godless world and asserts the need for reformation (return to the teachings of Scripture) and revival (subjection of life to the Holy Spirit) in today’s Church if it is to speak to our culture.
SPITZER, WALTER O., and CARLYLE L. SAYLOR, editors, Birth Control and the Christian (Tyndale House, 589 pp., $6.95). Evangelical theologians, physicians, lawyers, and sociologists explore problems of life and reproduction.
VAN TIL, CORNELIUS, A Christian Theory of Knowledge (Presbyterian and Reformed, 390 pp., $6.50). Attacks all systems of thought that exalt the autonomy of man at the expense of the sovereign God of the Scriptures.
WIRT, SHERWOOD E., Passport to Life City (Harper & Row, 207 pp., $4.95). This modern Pilgrim’s Progress portrays allegorically what it means to search for the living God in our generation and confronts the reader with a challenging concern for twentieth-century problems.