Contemporary Issues in the Spotlight

Once again we present our annual Spring Book Forecast to give our readers an overview of the religious publishing field and to put them on the lookout for volumes that may be of special interest to them. Many of the spring titles focus on the host of problems and issues confronting both Church and society; we hope evangelicals will come forth with solid contributions in this area. Only time will tell whether promising titles can deliver the goods in content. As in the past we have asked publishers to designate what they feel will be their most significant publications; these selections are indicated by an asterisk. We have used the symbols (p) to indicate paperbacks and (rp) to designate out-of-print books that are being reissued.

AESTHETICS, ARCHITECTURE, MUSICABINGDON: Now Songs compiled by M. Stewart and Companion to the Hymnal by Gealy, Lovelace, and Young. JUDSON: Hymnbook for Christian Worship. PEGASUS: Aesthetics: An Introduction by G. Dickie. PRAEGER: Churches in Rock: Early Christian Art in Ethiopia by G. Gerster.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCEARLINGTON HOUSE: *Christian Counter-Attack by Lunn and Lean. BAKER: Interpreting God’s Word Today by S. Kistemaker. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Damned Through the Church by J. W. Montgomery, The Bible and Spiritual Criticism by A. Pierson, and Questions on the Cults by W. Martin. CONCORDIA: Rock Strata and the Bible Record edited by P. Zimmermann. EERDMANS: All Things Made New by L. Smedes, Do You Understand What You Read? by H. Kuitert, The Man Born to Be King by D. Sayers, and *The Meaning of the City by J. Ellul. FORTRESS: * Who Shall Live? edited by K. Vaux. GREENWOOD: The Validity of Death and Other Essays in Existential Philosophy by P. Koestenbaum. INTER-VARSITY: Christianity: The Witness of History by J. N. D. Anderson (p). JUDSON: God’s Way with Men by N. Pittenger, The Hidden Face of Pain by J. Sarano, God in the New World by L. Geering (p), and Layman’s Answer by E. M. Blaiklock (p). MACMILLAN: Do Religious Claims Make Sense? by S. Brown. MOODY: Evolution on Trial by C. Reno. Answer for the Now Generation by C. F. H. Henry (p), Inspiration and Authority by R. Pache, and *Emit by R. Crane and G. Smith (p). OXFORD: Existentialism by M. Warnock. PEGASUS: Ethical Theory: An Introduction by L. Schwartz, Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction by W. Capitan, and Myth of the Ideal City by R. Mucchielli. PRAEGER: Islam in Africa: A Short History by J. Humphrey. PRINCETON: Yoga: Immortality and Freedom by M. Eliade. SCRIBNER: Philosophy and Religious Belief by G. Thomas and The Marxist Criticism of Religion by H. Gollwitzer. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: The Letters of Josiah Royce edited by J. Clendenning. WESTMINSTER: Secularization and the Protestant Prospect edited by J. Childress and D. Harned (p), Hope in This World, by W. Baker (p), Positive Religion in a Revolutionary Time by E. Rust, We Believe in God edited by R. Davies (p), and The Magnificent Frolic by B. Wood (p). ZONDERVAN: The Protest of a Troubled Protestant by H. Brown (p). Who Moved the Stone? by F. Morison (p) (rp), and Heredity: A Study of Science and the Bible by W. Tinkle (p).

ARCHAEOLOGYEERDMANS: The Dead Sea Isaiah Scrolls by J. Rosenbloom. PRAEGER: Archeology in the Holy Land by K. Kenyon and Mexican Cities of the Gods: An Archaeological Guide by H. Helfritz. PRINCETON: The Highlands of Phrygia: Sites and Monuments by C. Haspels. ZONDERVAN: Archaeology of the New Testament by E. M. Blaiklock.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES AND DICTIONARIESBAKER: The Gospel of Mark by H. Hobbs, Exposition of Psalms by H. Leupold, Ruth and Esther by C. Anderson (p), and Book of Joel by M. DeGangi (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible (p) (rp). BROADMAN: *The Broadman Bible Commentary, Volumes 2, 3, 9, and 10, edited by C. Allen. CONCORDIA: (“Concordia Commentary Series”) Acts by R. Smith and Pastoral Epistles and Philemon by H. Moellering and V. Bartling. GREENWOOD: Subject Guide to Bible Stories by G. Garland. WESTMINSTER: *The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible by H. Gehman. ZONDERVAN: Zechariah: Prophet of Messiah’s Glory by M. Unger (rp), Ellicott’s Commentary on the Whole Bible (rp), and *A New Testament Commentary by F. F. Bruce et al.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, GENERALBAKER: General Introduction to the Holy Scriptures by C. Briggs. JUDSON: This Covenant People by H. Malmborg, G. Peck, and E. Taylor (p) and Postage Stamps and the Bible Story by A. Gould. OXFORD: The Bible as Literature by T. Henn. SCRIPTURE PRESS: *Know What You Believe by P. Little (p). SIMON AND SCHUSTER: The Bible Designed to Be Read by E. Bates. WORD: For God’s Sake, Be Human by J. Killinger. ZONDERVAN: The Strategic Grasp of the Bible by J. Sidlow Baxter, The Hidden Revolution: Toward A Recovery of Biblical Piety by B. Shelley, Love Is Now by P. Gillquist, and The Late Great Planet Earth by H. Lindsey and C. Carlson.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, OLD TESTAMENTABINGDON: The Hebrew Verbless Clause in the Pentateuch by F. Anderson, Translating and Understanding the Old Testament edited by W. Reed, and Yahweh War and Tribal Confederation by R. Smend. CONCORDIA: Luther’s Works, Volume 6: Lectures on Genesis and Volume 15: Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes and the Last Words of David.EERDMANS: Message of the Old Testament by H. Ellison, (“Scripture Union Series”) Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel by J. Wright, Isaiah, Volume III, by E. Young, and Old Testament Times by R. K. Harrison. INTER-VARSITY: (“Tyndale Old Testament Commentary”) Ezekiel by J. Taylor. JOHN KNOX: Proclamation and Presence: Old Testament Essays in Honor of Gwynne Henton Davies edited by J. Durham and J. Porter, and Essays on Old Testament Hermeneutics edited by C. Westermann. JUDSON: The Layman’s Introduction to the Old Testament by R. Laurin (p) and The Drama of the Psalms by D. Anders-Richards (p). MACMILLAN: The Relevance of the Prophets (revised edition) by R. B. Y. Scott. UNITED CHURCH PRESS: Time of Burning by B. Napier. WESTMINSTER: Proverbs: A Commentary by W. McKane. WORD: New Perspectives on the Old Testament compiled by B. Payne.

BIBLICAL STUDIES, NEW TESTAMENTABINGDON: Auxiliary Studies in the Bible by R. Montgomery and W. Stegner, John Celebrates the Gospel by E. Saunders, Jesus: Man for Today by T. Morton, and Kyrios Christos by W. Bousset. BROADMAN: John’s Letters—Light for Living by L. Leavell. EERDMANS: The Gospel of John by Leon Morris and (“Scripture Union Series”) I and II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, Hebrews by Leon Morris. FORTRESS: Literary Criticism of the New Testament by W. Beardslee (p), Luke the Historian in Recent Study by C. Barrett, and The Lord’s Supper as a Christological Problem by W. Marxsen (p). INTER-VARSITY: The Man from Outside by G. Bridger (p) and Studies in Leadership: Philippians by B. Boyd (p). JOHN KNOX: *The Good News According to Mark by E. Schweizer. JUDSON: My Lord Speaks by S. Benko (p). MACMILLAN: The Founder of Christianity by C. Dodd, Jesus 0’5 by W. Harenberg, and Questions About Jesus by J. Michl. MOODY: Romans: Power for Modern Man by C. Bartlett (p), Galatians: Freedom for Modern Man by C. Bartlett (p), The Gospel of Mark by R. Earle (p), The Gospel of Luke by G. Luck (p), The Epistles of John by D. Burdick (p), and Studies in Luke, Romans, Hebrews by I. Jensen (p). WESTMINSTER: Hope in This World by W. C. Baker (p), God’s Revelation: A Way Through the New Testament by U. Wilckens (p), and Which Jesus? by J. Bowman (p). ZONDERVAN: RSV Interlinear New Testament by I. Marshall, Witness and Revelation in the Gospel of John by J. Boice (p), The New Berkeley New Testament and A Survey of the New Testament by R. Gundry.

BIOGRAPHYABINGDON: I Remain Unvanquished by A. and D. Ward. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: So Restless, So Lonely by B. Palmer. DOUBLEDAY: A Second Birthday by W. Stringfellow. EERDMANS: John Bunyan by R. Greaves and Karl Barth by T. Parker. FORTRESS: The Man Who Moved a Mountain by R. Davids. FUNK AND WAGNALLS: The New Mission of Pope John XXIII by V. Gorresio. INTER-VARSITY: My Parents Are Impossible by W. Trobisch (p). MCGRAW-HILL: Letters to His Family by Pope John XXIII. MOODY: The Small Woman of the Inn of the Sixth Happiness by G. Aylward, Walter Wilson the Beloved Physician by K. Gangel, and The Man from Steamtown by J. Adair (p). PRAEGER: *King: A Critical Biography (Dr. Martin Luther King) by D. Lewis. ZONDERVAN: Born Out of Conflict by B. Song, Discoveries by E. Price (new edition), Adventurers with God by J. Hefley (p) (rp), Tortured for His Faith by H. Popov (p), At Least We Were Married by T. Thomas, and I Wish l Had Known, a symposium (p).

CHURCH HISTORYABINGDON: Easter: A Pictorial Pilgrimage by P. Benoit et al., Thomas Coke: Apostle of Methodism by J. Vickers, and Major Religions of the World by M. Bach. CONCORDIA: The Church of the Middle Ages by C. Volz and The Church of the Renaissance and Reformation by K. Dannenfeldt. DOUBLEDAY: The Farm Boy and the Angel by C. Carmer and From Fertility Cult to Worship by W. Harrelson (p). FORTRESS: Luther: An Introduction to His Thought by G. Ebeling, Luther’s Works, Volume 39—Church and Ministry 1, edited by E. Gritsch, The Anabaptists and Religious Liberty in the Sixteenth Century by H. Bender (p), and The Council of Trent, the ‘Spiritual Exercises’ and the Catholic Reform by R. McNally, S. J. (p). JOHN KNOX: With the Spirit’s Sword: The Drama of Spiritual Warfare in the Theology of John Calvin by C. Hall (p) and (“Ecumenical Studies in History”) Christian Initiation by C. Wainwright. OXFORD: The Victorian Church, 1860–1914 by O. Chadwick. PRINCETON: Worship and Theology in England: Volume I: Cranmer to Hooker, 1534–1603 by H. Davies. SCRIBNER: *Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Man and Events by S. Brandon. SHEED AND WARD: *Seven Revolutions: The Response of the Religious Establishment by F. Houtart.

DEVOTIONALABINGDON: Youth Meditations by W. Cook, The Sanctuary by W. Fridy, and Putting Your Faith to Work by J. Redhead. BAKER: Living Stones by G. Sweeting and Fingertip Devotions by A. Bolding (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Why Jesus? by F. Huegel (p). BROADMAN: Happiness Is God’s Gift by R. McMillan and Being Christ-like by H. Wahking. CONCORDIA: Pray for Joy by M. Franzmann, I Meet God Through the Strangest People (devotions for ages 9–13) by D. Burow, Man at Prayer by R. Gesch, Hurry Home Where You Belong by O. Hoffmann, and Can I Forgive God? by L. Brandt. DOUBLEDAY: Seed of the New Age by S. Sikking. FORTRESS: Words to See By by M. Bolduan. INTER-VARSITY: This Morning with God, Volume II, edited by C. Adeney (p). JUDSON: Bruised Reeds by W. Molton and D. Breed (p) and Make Mine Coffee, anonymous (p). SHEED AND WARD: Dynamic Contemplation by P. Hinnebusch and Who Am I? Second Thoughts on Man, His Loves, His Gods by L. Streiker. TYNDALE: Words of Wisdom (an arrangement and paraphrase of Psalms and Proverbs) by Billy Graham. WORD: When Sorrow Comes by R. Ozment, As Far as I Can Step by V. Law, and Seasons of the Soul by N. Peerman. ZONDERVAN: Genesis: A Devotional Exposition by D. Barnhouse.

DRAMA, FICTION, POETRYBAKER: Go Till You Guess Bible Games by A. Wells (p) and Life of Christ in Crossword Puzzle by L. Johnson (p). BROADMAN: Bible Dramas for Older Boys and Girls by S. Miller and Dramatic Programs for Christmas by C. McGee (p). CONCORDIA: India the Hungry by I. Muskie. EERDMANS: The Elements of John Updike by K. and A. Hamilton and Good News from Tolkien’s Middle Earth by G. Ellwood. FORTRESS: Saturday Waiting by J. Nilssen. JUDSON: Lindy by J. Higgins (p). MOODY: My Son, My Son by B. Palmer, No Ring on Her Finger by M. Woodford, The Road Winds On by F. Arnold (p), Vinegar Boy by A. Hawse, Buried Alive by V. Matson, In Crossfire of Hate by M. Wall, Captain Daley’s Crew (four titles) by C. Massey (p), Danny Orlis (two titles) by B. Palmer (p), Scotty (three titles) by B. Swinford (p), Faith at Work for Peggy by D. Martin (p), Indian Drums and Broken Arrows by C. Massey (p), Felicia Cartright by B. Palmer (p), and Jim Dunlap (three titles) by B. Palmer (p). UNITED CHURCH PRESS: Poetry of Francis Warner by F. Warner. ZONDERVAN: The Girl in 906 by D. Hall, Heartbeats by J. Drescher, and At Your Age, Miss Russell? by L. Heerman.

ECUMENICS, INTER-FAITH DIALOGUEEERDMANS: Reformed Bishops and Catholic Elders by E. Heideman and Reconciliation in Today’s World edited by A. Miller. MACMILLAN: Ethical Nationhood by M. Kaplan. OXFORD: Alive to God: Muslim and Christian Prayer edited by K. Cragg and The Christian Faith and Other Faiths by S. Neill. WESTMINSTER: Spirit, Faith and Church by W. Pannenberg, Theology and Church in Times of Change by E. L. Long, Jr., The Crumbling Walls by L. Mudge (p), and The Ecumenical Advance by H. Fey.

ETHICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL STUDIESABINGDON: *Crisis in Eden by F. Elder, Rock 2000 by H. Ward, Jesus and the Disinherited by H. Thurman, Religion in Communist China by R. Bush, The Mad Morality by V. Eller (p), The Politics of Doomsday by E. Jorstad, and A Burden and an Ache by C. McConkey (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: The Christian Family by L. Christenson. CONCORDIA: The Christian Encounters: The Age of Technology by H. Beck (p), The Christian Encounters: Government Economic Policy and Individual Welfare by H. Gram (p), Right, Wrong, or What? by P. Steinke (p), and Christian Family Living by E. May (p). DOUBLEDAY: The Gathering Storm in the Churches by J. Hadden (p), While Men Slept by L. N. Bell, *The Promise: Ethics in the Kingdom of God by V. Eller, and No Bars to Manhood by D. Berrigan. EERDMANS: The New Left and Christian Radicalism by A. Gish, For Whites Only by R. Terry, Solving Marital Problems by R. Bower, Whose Land Is Palestine by F. Epp, Lobbying for the Lord in Washington by J. Adams, and Unholy Smoke by G. Target. FORTRESS: Black Power and the American Myth by C. Vivian, Christ and Humanity edited by I. Asheim (p), The Churches and the Nations by O. Nolde, and Churches on the Move by G. Vallquist (p). INTER-VARSITY: Unafraid to Be by R. Etchells (p). JOHN KNOX: The Tragic Protest by D. Anderson, The Shattered Ring: Scenario for the Future by L. and S. Rose, and The Clown and the Crocodile by J. McLellan (p). JUDSON: *The Black Vanguard by R. Brisbane. MACMILLAN: Abortion: Law, Choice and Morality by D. Callahan, New Morality or No Morality? by R. Campbell, and Piety in the Public Schools by R. Michaelsen. MCGRAW-HILL: Morality and Eros by R. Rubenstein. MOODY: Answers to Youth Hangups by D. Hillis (p), What’s in It for Me? by L. Richards (p), Man, Am I Uptight! by D. Augsburger, This Way to Life by D. Prime (p), Spiritual Manpower by J. Sanders (p), and God’s Provisions for Holy Living by W. Culbertson (p). PAULIST: Violence edited by C. Sugg. PEGASUS: The Economics of the Ghetto by C. Bell, Politics of Pollution by J. Davies, Community Control: The Black Demand for Participation in Large American Cities by A. Altshuler, and Birth Control by G. Hardin. PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY: Faith and Reason: Essays in the Religious and Scientific Imagination by F. Plotkin. PRAEGER: Patriarch and Prophets: Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church Today by M. Bourdeaux. PRINCETON: *The Study of Religion in Colleges and Universities edited by P. Ramsey and J. Wilson and Religious Humanism and the Victorian Novel: George Eliot, Walter Pater, and Samuel Butler by U. Knoepflmacher. SHEED AND WARD: The House Divided: Poverty, Race, Religion and the Family of Man by T. and M. Melady, New Horizons for the Priesthood by A. Greeley, Ghetto Kids by L. Cole, Alien Giants: America and Africa in History by E. Chester, and Religious Attitudes and War by R. Drinan. SIMON AND SCHUSTER: The Presence of the Word by W. Ong (p) and The Vatican Empire by N. LoBello (p). UNITED CHURCH PRESS: Despair and Hope for Our Time by F. Gogarten, A New America by M. Goodman, and The Bitter Pill by V. Johannas. WESTMINSTER: The Radical Suburb by J. B. Orr and F. Nichelson. ZONDERVAN: The Art of Understanding Your Mate by C. Osborne, Sex Is Not Sinful by J. Wyrtzen (p), Magic in Marriage by J. Jauncey (p) (rp), The Family in Dialogue by A. Bell (p) (rp) and For Adults Only by L. Granberg (p).

LITURGY, WORSHIPABINGDON: Off to a Good Start by A. Ingram (p). BAKER: Prayer Meeting Outlines by C. Pentz (p). CONCORDIA: Musical Heritage of the Church, Volume VII edited by T. Hoelty-Nickel. FORTRESS: Campus Prayers for the ’70s by J. Vannorsdall (p). JOHN KNOX: Cries from the Hurting Edges of the World by O. Rumpf (p). OXFORD: A Short History of the Western Liturgy by T. Klauser. ZONDERVAN: Prayer—Conversing with God (youth edition) by R. Rinker (p).

MISSIONS, EVANGELISM, CHURCH OUTREACHABINGDON: Christ’s Suburban Body by W. Baily and W. McElvaney. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: World in Revolt by M. Schlink (p). BROADMAN: They Changed My China by M. Wong (p) and Advance: A History of Southern Baptist Foreign Missions by B. Cauthen et al. (p). CONCORDIA: The Christian’s Mission by R. Schulz (p). DOUBLEDAY: Shadows in the Valley by F. Kostyu. EERDMANS: Batak Blood and Protestant Soul by P. Pederson, Latin American Theology: Radical or Evangelical by C. Wagner, Understanding Church Growth by D. McGavran, Story of the Christian Church in India and Pakistan by S. Neill, Church Growth and the Word of God by A. Tippett, The Road Ahead: A Theology for the Church in Mission by J. Piet, A Brief History of Islam by H. Boer, The Americanization of an Immigrant Congregation by E. Bruins, Ecumenicity and Evangelism by D. Stowe, A History of Christianity in Japanby R. Drummond, and To Apply the Gospel: Selections from the Writings of Henry Venn by M. Warren. JOHN KNOX: Reform in Leopold’s Congo by S. Shaloff. JUDSON: Stranger in the Pew by K. Conners. MOODY: Growing Young Churches by M. Hodges (p), Nests Above the Abyss by I. Kuhn (p), Red Sky at Night by L. Lyall (p), and If I Were a Jew by R. G. Lee (p). RANDOM HOUSE: As I Live and Breathe by M. Boyd. TYNDALE: Transformed by H. Kooiman. WESTMINSTER: The Ecumenical Advance by H. Fey, Encounter with World Religions by R. Young, and On the Dragon Hills by R. Lautenschlager. WORD: Break-Through by T. Rees. ZONDERVAN: An Evangelical Theology of Missions by H. Lindsell (p) (revision of Philosophy of Christian Missions), Cannibal Valley by R. Hitt (p) (rp), Saturation Evangelism by G. W. Peters (p) (rp), and Share Your Faith by R. Hitt (p).

PASTORAL THEOLOGY (PREACHING, COUNSELING, CHURCH ADMINISTRATION)ABINGDON: The Affable Enemy by W. Fisher, The Power to Bless by M. Madden, Pastoral Care in the Liberal Churches edited by J. Adams and S. Hiltner, and Learning About Pastoral Care by C. Kemp. BAKER: Jesus Came Preaching by G. Buttrick (p) and History of Preaching II by E. Dargan (p). BEACON HILL: *When You Get to the End of Yourself by W. Perkiser, Words of Men at the Cross by C. Strait, Tables of Stone for Modern Living by R. Denny, and Easy to Live With by L. Parrott. CONCORDIA: I Hate to Bother You, But … by W. Hulme (p) and Church Business Methods by E. Walz (p). EERDMANS: The Reform of the Church by D. Bloesch and All One Body We by J. Kromminga. JOHN KNOX: Conflict and Understanding in Marriage by P. Plattner. JUDSON: Tell It to the Children by V. Kane. SHEED AND WARD: Discerning the Spirit: Foundations and Futures of Religious Life by D. Gelpi, S. J., Psychology of Authority by W. Meissner, The Future of the Christian Sunday by C. Kiesling, and Pastoral Psychology by C. Weber. TYNDALE: Ministers Research Service by W. Kerr. UNITED CHURCH PRESS: Creative Suffering by A. Paton (p), Minister on the Spot by J. Dittes (p), and Ex-Pastors by G. Jud et al. (p). WESTMINSTER: People Need People by S. Southard (p). WORD: Where God Comes In: The Divine Plus in Counseling by W. Crane. ZONDERVAN: How to Get Along with People in the Church by A. Bell (p) (rp) and Walter L. Wilson’s Illustrations from Science by A. Sparks (p).

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONABINGDON: You Can Teach Creatively by E. Allstrom, Helping Children with the Mystery of Death by E. Reed, Professional Education for Ministry by E. Thornton, and Understanding Christian Education by W. Rood. BAKER: Miracles of the Master by L. Caldwell (p), Fifty-two Little Devotional Programs for the Primary Child by L. Autry (p), Up-to-Date Object Lessons by J. Sargent (p), and Instructive Object Lessons by J. Schofield (p). CONCORDIA: (“Church Teachers Library” edited by D. Griffin) What Has God Done Lately? (p), Well, What Is Teaching? (p), The Subject Is Persons (p), and New Ways to Learn (p). INTER-VARSITY: Encounter with Books edited by H. Merchant (p). JOHN KNOX: Free as the Wind by H. Wilkinson (p). JUDSON: Team Building in Church Groups by N. Geyer and S. Noll (p) and This Covenant People by H. Malmborg, G. Peck, and E. Taylor (p). MOODY: Easy Object Lessons by C. Ryrie (p), Creative Bible Teaching by L. Richards, Leadership for Church Education by K. Gangel, The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes (with records) by K. Taylor, Bible Baseball #2 by H. Fischer (p), and Bible Quiz Pads #3 and #4 by E. Wall (p). PAULIST: Experiential Catechetics by J. LeDu and M. van Caster, S. J., There’s More Than One Way by R. Neighbor and M. Ryan, and Third Living Room Dialogue by J. Young. PEGASUS: Teaching with Feeling by H. Greenberg (p). PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY: The Field of Zen by D. Suzuki. WESTMINSTER: God Made Us a Good World by G. Priester (p) and Learning and Teaching Through the Senses by K. Tobey (p). ZONDERVAN: Creative Crafts by J. Edwards (p).

SERMONSABINGDON: The Pig’s Brother and Other Children’s Sermons by S. Johnson and The Urgent Now by J. Armstrong. BAKER: Gospel Hour Sermons by G. Brooks (p), Suggested Sermon Outlines by W. Stevens (p), Whole Armour of God by J. Jowett (p), In Remembrance of Me, by A. Whyte (p), Sermons on Biblical Characters by C. Chappell (p), Treasury of Quiet Talks by S. Gordon (p), Inspiring Talks for All Occasions by M. Gosselink (p), Wings of the Morning by G. Morrison (p), 1400 Ideas for Speakers and Toastmasters by H. Prochnow (p), Sermons and Outlines for Special Occasions by J. Stalker (p), 1001 Sentence Sermons by C. Pentz (p), More Sermon Outlines and Bible Readings by F. Marsh (p), Sermons for Children by D. Laird (p), Fifty New Sermon Outlines by W. Compton (p), and Crowded Detours by D. Mallough. FAITH: *No Other Name—The Passion and Commandments of Our Lord by A. Graf. JUDSON: Facing Today’s Demands by J. Ban (p). ZONDERVAN: New Library of Spurgeon’s Sermons (twelve volumes), Communion Meditations and Prayers by J. Gwynne, Re-Entry by J. White, and Simple Sermons for a Sinful Age by W. H. Ford.

THEOLOGYABINGDON: Life Begins at Death by L. Weatherhead, Bonhoeffer’s Theology: Classical and Revolutionary by J. Woelfel, A History of Christian Thought, Volume I, by J. Gonzalez, and The Coming Faith by C. Marney. BAKER: Pauline and Other Studies in Early Christianity by W. Ramsay, The Holy Spirit by A. Pink, and Divine Healing by R. Torrey (p). BEACON HILL: John Wesley: Christian Revolutionary by M. Wynkoop. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: *The Suicide of Christian Theology by J. W. Montgomery and How to Find Freedom from the Power of Sin by T. Hegre. CONCORDIA: I Found the Way by B. Ulrich, Break Out by H. Brokering (p), *The Two Natures in Christ by M. Chemnitz, and The Prolegomena to Lutheran Dogmatics by R. Preus. DOUBLEDAY: Projections: Shaping an American Theology for the Future by T. O’Meara and D. Weisser and Toward a Reconstruction of Religion by E. Fontinell. EERDMANS: Somewhat Less Than God by L. Verduin, A Theology of the Holy Spirit by D. Bruner, and Sin by G. Berkouwer. FORTRESS: What Is Man? by W. Pannenberg, Jesus Means Freedom by E. Käsemann (p), Divine Humanness by A. Siirala, The Future of Hope edited by W. Capps, and The Gospel Tradition by H. Riesenfeld. INTER-VARSITY: *Christ the Controversialist by J. R. W. Stott (p) and Establishing Basic Beliefs by G. Lewis (p). MACMILLAN: New Theology No. 7 edited by M. Marty and D. Peerman and Theology for Non-Theologians edited by H. Schultz. MCGRAW-HILL: Summa Theologiae, Volume 45, by Thomas Aquinas. MOODY: The Grace of God by C. Ryrie (p), The Divine Comforter by J. D. Pentecost (p), and Gleanings from the Scriptures by A. Pink. PAULIST: Basic Catechetical Perspectives by F. Coudreau. PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY: The Creation of Death and Life by R. King. PRAEGER: Concepts of God in Africa by J. Mbiti. PRENTICE-HALL: Readings in the Theology of the Church by E. Dirkswager, Jr. SHEED AND WARD: Dissent in and for the Church: Theologians and Humanae Vitae by C. Curran et al., The Responsibility of Dissent: The Church and Academic Freedom by J. Hunt and T. Connelly, Faith—Can Man Still Believe? by L. Monden, The Lively Debate: Response to Humanae Vitae by W. Shannon, and American Culture and the Quest for Christ by A. Padovano. WESTMINSTER: Biblical Theology in Crisis by B. Childs, Spirit, Faith and Church by W. Pannenberg, We Believe in God by R. Davies (p), The Doctrine of God by R. Smith, and Theology and Church in Times of Change by E. Long, Jr.

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Investigation to Look at 82 Years of Missionary School Abuse

Adult alumni “commanded a seat at the table” to negotiate for full inquiry.

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