By the time this issue reaches the homes of our readers I will have had surgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where my son-in-law, Dr. William C. Wood, is completing his surgical residency. His wife, Judith, presented him with another William (8 pounds, 6 ounces) on May 19, and Friend Wife is watching over me as well as the mother, the baby, and two-year-old Kristen.
It is good for clergymen and editors to have to grapple with pain personally. Health never looks so good as it does when we are sick. I recall that Matthew said that Jesus bore our sickness; and Calvary’s pain surely was greater than any we are called upon to bear. But the greater promise remains to be fulfilled in the city of our God, where pain, sickness, and sorrow shall be banished forever.
Watching some of the Senate Watergate hearings leads me to wonder who is keeping the legislative branch going. The most pressing issues of inflation, dollar-devaluation, and foreign affairs seem to be neglected. It also seems to me that the legal protection guaranteed a man being tried by a jury is being denied the witnesses. Opinions, conclusions, and inferences are being asked for by senators who ought to know better.