I want to thank every congregation, pastor, and lay person who responded to our repeated requests for financial as well as prayer support for the International Congress on World Evangelization. The $3 million budget was raised, and much of the money came through sacrificial giving by hundreds of God’s people.
Among the conflicting currents swirling about at the congress were questions of the relation of social action to the Gospel, biblical inerrancy, the role of the West in current missionary outreach, the nature of the Church’s mission, and the possibility of a continuing fellowship specifically concerned with the evangelization of the world. Of these we shall be saying more later.
I covet your prayers that God will use Lausanne 74 to spark a worldwide missionary revival that will bind God’s people together by enlisting their commitment, combining their efforts, calling forth their prayers, and leading Christians from all nations to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Copies of the Lausanne Covenant and signature cards can be secured from ICOWE offices. Until October 15 write Case Postale 225, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.