As this issue of CHRISTIANITY TODAY reaches its readers I will, I expect, be somewhere in the Middle East. I hope to have a look at the situation in Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, and Greece. The Middle East shows few signs of being dethroned as the world’s number-one trouble spot. And there seems to be no reason to suppose that the oil-producing nations will not use their newfound economic power to promote vast political and economic changes around the world.
Another well received CT article is now available as a reprint: from our July 26, 1974, issue, “There Is More to Redemption Than Meets the Ear,” by Harold Best of the Wheaton College music department. Order Reprint No. 10 at 15ȼ per copy for fewer than 100, 10ȼ per copy for 100 or more; please send payment with your order.
Barrie Doyle, formerly our assistant news editor, is a young man who has gone west. He has become the director of field investigation and news reporting for a new magazine on the West Coast. We wish him well in his new post—and the transplanted Californians among us think a little enviously of those sunny skies.…