To help those who want to consider attending an evangelical college, we have compiled a partial list of such colleges together with some information that they supplied. The chart can serve as a starting point. More information on the particular schools that interest you is essential. For a convenient way to get it, see page 27. Don’t hesitate to ask all sorts of questions of colleges you are considering. For example, if you’re interested in a pre-med program it is not enough to know that a particular college has one. Ask questions like, How many recent grads have been accepted for medical school?
All the liberal-arts colleges require Bible courses and offer majors in that field. In the chart we have listed some of the other majors to indicate the range. Combinations of majors and majors in subdivisions of a field are almost always available. Cooperative programs with secular schools, especially in technical fields, are increasing rapidly.
Beware! The costs of college include not only the fixed charges listed in the chart but such variables as travel. Find out about the availability of scholarships, loans, and part-time jobs.
We have omitted the liberal-arts colleges associated with Seventh-day Adventists, non-instrumental Churches of Christ, Church of the Brethren, Lutherans, and Southern Baptists. These groups are conservative Protestants. However, many of their colleges are so oriented toward denominational distinctives that others would feel uncomfortable. Some of them are no longer sectarian but have become too pervaded, in our judgment, by non-evangelical views of the Bible, theology, and ethics. Others of them are, however, as evangelical as those that are listed.
We have also omitted evangelical colleges that are neither regionally accredited nor recognized candidates, and we have omitted two-year colleges. There was no charge fm a college to be listed.
The Bible-colleges chart includes all full members and candidates (but not applicants) of the American Association of Bible Colleges, the only properly recognized agency in the field. Note that many Bible colleges offer two years of transferrable liberal-arts courses. Many have special one-year Bible-study programs. In addition to general Bible, most offer special emphases in pastoring, Christian education, and missions. Other emphases, if any, are indicated.