Questions about the role of women, married and single, and their relationships to society, husbands, business, government, and churches will be with us for a long time. In this issue Letha and John Scanzoni discuss various aspects of the current controversy. Readers should ponder their words and “prove” them, i.e., see how well they fit.
Rod Jellema talks about poetry, a theme about which I am somewhat dull. But this I know: poetry, true poetry, has its place and function. To me, the acid test of both poetry and prose is: what truths are they trying to tell us? However good they may be in technical form, if they tell me lies they do not meet the greatest test of all.
Solzhenitsyn is a prose artist. His main strength, however, lies not in his mastery of words but in his moral force, his deep convictions. Truth is the greatest written, oral, or thinking tool. Read him and weep! Assistant Editor Cheryl Forbes discusses this moral force in “Solzhenitsyn: Whose Face in the Mirror?”