The most daring expression of dissent in Communist East Europe is probably the “flying universities” in five Polish cities, according to a recent Washington Post article.
At considerable risk, students—anywhere from 10 to 150 at a time—attend lectures held in crowded apartments.
The idea is to teach these Polish students about all elements of their country’s history, political evolution, and battle for independence, and facts totally excluded from the Moscow-oriented university courses that have marked the post-World War II era.
If Polish students are willing to take such a risk, American students might be willing, too. So why not start some flying Christian universities in this country? American students need to be taught about the heavenly kingdom, about the freedom man once had and lost. After all, Bible and theology, facts about the Christian faith and life have been totally excluded from the humanism-oriented courses that have marked American higher education for a century.
“Flying universities”: what a great name for such ad hoc lectures. I’m sure some married students would be willing to open up their apartments; they have little to lose at this point in their lives. Time, place, and subject of the lecture could be passed along the underground communication system.
Seminary professors could be smuggled into the cities and out again before the authorities became aware of their subversive activities. If one should be caught and imprisoned—well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
Look, I know this couple with an apartment over that seafood place in Harvard Square.…
The article “What About Divine Healing?” by Karin Michaelson in the September 8 issue of CHRISTIANITY TODAY is interesting, and doubtless accomplishes the purpose of the writer—to give a critique on the literary style of a few modern writers on divine healing. But it hardly lives up to the promise of the title. After all, the writers mentioned are “Johnny-come-latelys” and amateurs when it comes to the ministry of divine healing. Why not authorize some knowledgeable person to tell the full story of the restoration of the ministry of divine healing to the church, during the last seventy-five years? This story would have to start with A. B. Simpson, through whose healing ministry a great world-wide denomination, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, was founded. It would have to include Amy Semple McPherson, through whose ministry thousands of medically authenticated miracles were performed. It would have to include Charles Price, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts. These are the “heavyweights” of the divine healing ministry. They are the ones responsible for the restoration of this gift to the Christian church. Their literary style may not please Michaelson but their ministry speaks for itself.
I did not note one case of actual healing mentioned in the article. Theory yes—case history no. It has been my privilege to be a foreign missionary all my life. On one occasion we saw over 300 people healed from the most insidious diseases—totally healed—in two weeks time. These included cholera, typhoid, malaria, dengue, venereal diseases, and leprosy. Isn’t this “what divine healing is all about”?
Charlotte, N. C.
As one who is very active in divine healing and other dimensions of modern health care, I believe Michaelson was right on target in assessing the critical problem to be a need to harmonize a theology of suffering with a theology of healing. So many modern prophets of divine healing cause spiritual distortion with their theology of glory or “health on a platter.” … However, Michaelson does not venture into some of the other knotty problems that this scientific age presents to us in the healing ministry. I find among laymen the prevailing question to be the relationship of medical science to divine healing. Until they understand the nature of wholistic healing, many laymen have difficulty synthesizing “wonder drugs” and modern health care with the laying-on-of-hands and prayer.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Big Is Better
Read the interview with Chaim Potok in the September 8, 1978 issue. It started out to be interesting and pleasant. The pleasantness stopped when I turned the page and had to get out my magnifying glass to finish reading. I hope you will never again use such small type.
Salem United Methodist Church Lodi, Calif.
It is my opinion that the recent interview of Chaim Potok by Cheryl Forbes is certainly one of the most perceptive and one of the most important articles that CHRISTIANITY TODAY has ever published. Thank you.
Chester, Nova Scotia
Seeking The Facts
In his recent remarks on “Luther, Anti-Semitism, and Zionism” (Current Religious Thought, Sept. 8), John Warwick Montgomery rightly points out that “secularism, not Christian faith, is the real source of modern anti-Semitism.” This observation must not obscure, however, the fact that secular sources found ready religious support all along the way.…
Columbia Theological Seminary Decatur, Ga.
Female Takeover
Is it now CHRISTIANITY TODAY’S “evangelical conviction” that women are to take over the leadership in shaping world opinion—even in Christian magazines? In the September 8 issue three of the four lead articles were by women … I love women. I married one. But it doesn’t mean I have given up the authority in my house, nor the leadership of shaping the opinions of my household. I take seriously the Scripture which placed me in that responsibility. Moreover, because I love my wife, it does not mean that I read Woman’s Day, nor that I am, or ever will be, interested in receiving spiritual guidance and instruction from it for my life. If CT is to become the Woman’s Day of the Christian world, you can count me out. I will not pay to receive it in my house.
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Heavenly Deceit
I am writing to tell you I am a former Moonie and I know that Joseph Hopkins’s August 18 news item, “Meeting Moonies on Their Territory,” might lead some congregations to accept their double talk. I went into churches in the Philadelphia area and I want you to know our definite goal was to proselytize. I was not deprogrammed out, but suffered for more than a year because I was not. I left because … I saw a friend allowed to become violently ill because of the leadership’s unconcern. He had to return to his parents to get needed medical attention. This, plus the help of some good Christians led me out of this dangerous cult where I wasted over two years of my life. I know now everything about the Moon cult is a lie. The deception is unbelievable—they call it heavenly deceit but I call it blasphemy and out and out lying to achieve their aims. They lied to Hopkins, and they brainwashed me.
Turtle Creek, Pa.
Something Amiss
As soon as I read the article by Judy Peace (“Bad to Be Black and Bright,” July 21) I knew there was something wrong about it. Those of us who know black South African women know that not one of them would feel it a shame that their infant child was bright. When I read the article a second time, I realized Judy’s mistake. As a visitor to this country, she had not picked up the fact that the word “shame” in South Africa usually means the opposite of what it means in America. The Dictionary of South African English defines “shame” as “an exclamation … of warmth towards something endearing … or small.”
The Baptist Theological College of South Africa
Wynberg, South Africa
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Published 22 times per year at 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois 60187.
The names and addresses of the publisher and editor are: Publisher: Harold L. Myra, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois 60187; Editor, Kenneth Kantzer, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois 60187.
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Harold L. Myra