When things go wrong in the American government, maybe we have our indifference to blame.
How vital is the election of our next president? We know that he may well set our federal judiciary in a new direction by his appointments—which could be made in numbers large enough to change the whole structure of the Supreme Court and its decisions for decades to come.
The November election will also have an impact on such issues as our present national policy of abortions on demand, and government control over colleges whose students secure government grants. It will affect national issues of health and safety, war and peace, natural resources, and fiscal policy.
But sometimes one wonders: Is the election of one President and some congressmen really that important?
Obviously, our answer is yes. But the puzzling thing is, if Christians really believe that, why do so many ignore their opportunity to vote?
Of course, no Christian dare limit his concerns to specifically religious issues. He must also be concerned about the health and safety of the American people, about the integrity of those who run for office, about the wise use of our national resources, about inflation, about war and peace and armament. As Christians in a democracy we share with other citizens a moral responsibility for the general welfare of our nation.
And we must remember that the presidency is not the only office at stake. City and county officers and state officials, as well as congressmen, will be chosen. Taken as a group, they are far more important even than the President, important as he is.