17 |
425,000 |
38,000 |
Percentage of the top 50 Fortune 500 corporations’ foundations whose policies prohibit their giving to faith-based groups | Dollars the Southern Baptist Convention had budgeted for the Baptist World Alliance in 2004. | Drop in the number of churches offering vacation Bible school since 1997 (from 81 percent to 69 percent). |
57 |
25,000 |
20,000 |
Percentage of corporations that mention faith-based organizations and will not match employee contributions to them. | Dollars Southern Baptist pastor Rick Warren and his wife, Kay, donated to the bwa after the sbc withdrew its membership from the global body. | Drop in the number of churches that have midweek programming for children since 1997 (from 64 percent to 58 percent). |
Sources: Gallup, Associated Press
Copyright © 2005 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.
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